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  1. 2024年3月28日 · In English, both “next time” and “the next time” are correct. However, they’re used in slightly different ways. Use “next time” when you’re talking about a future event in a general sense. For example, “Next time, I’ll be more careful.”

  2. 2022年6月25日 · the next timenext time区别如下 【 1 】 the next time 表示“以过去时间为起点”第二次。类似于“the next year(第二年)/the next month (第二 个月) /the next week (第二 周) /the next day (第二 天) ”。 【 2 】 next time 表示“以现在时间为起点”下次。

  3. in 也可以表示「在某段時間之後」(at the end of a period of time),這時候句子通常會使用未來式,直接看例子比較清楚唷~ I’ll be right back in five minutes. 我五分鐘就會回來。 The steak will be ready in 10 minutes. 牛排再十分鐘就好了。 其他常用的時間介系詞

  4. 2017年10月22日 · in the next time next time的区别第一个为“在下次(机会)”第二个为“下回”前者一般用于已经发生过的,后者和前者还都可以用于表示将来

  5. 2016年11月9日 · 'The next time' means the whole period starting from right now to the expected coming moment : I will be busy with my project for the next time ( = the moment starting from now). Therefore, I think the first sentence is absolutely ok.

  6. "in the next time" is correct and it can be used in written English. It is used to refer to the future, often used when someone is talking about something that will happen more than once. For example, "I will exercise more in the next time."

  7. The next time Mars comes this close to Earth will be in March 2035. 下次火星再度靠近地球,會是2035 年三月。瀏覽教材 So that's something to think about next time you're in a public bathroom! 所以這就是下次在公廁的時候,可以思考看看的事情!瀏覽教材 ...