雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Island Gourmet offers an inviting selection of homemade pastries, chocolates, breads, sandwiches, as well as cheeses and wines. Delectable dishes are freshly prepared for you by our friendly staff. Contact us via WhatsApp for bookings and enquiries: (852) 9700 0622. Basic Information.

  2. 餐廳故事. 誘人的傳統小食. 高美食店供應種類繁多的各式新鮮美點、朱古力、麵包、三文治以及紅酒與芝士。 以WhatsApp訂座及查詢: (852) 9700 0622. 基本資料. 菜式: 糕點. 預算: $$ 著裝要求: 端莊便服. 吸煙政策: 禁止吸煙.

  3. Island Gourmet at Island Shangri-La, Hong Kong. 884 likes · 1 talking about this · 493 were here. Cosy patisserie | Coffee & Tea | Afternoon Tea.

  4. Island Gourmet located on the 5th floor of the Island Shangri-La hotel, Island Gourmet is a Western bakery great for relaxing. The restaurant features an inviting selection of home-made pastries, chocolates, breads, sandwiches and other light continue reading

  5. 高美食店 Island Gourmet的餐廳地址上訂座、電話、食評、相片及餐牌,餐廳位於 金鐘金鐘道88號太古廣場港島香格里拉大酒店5樓。 主要菜式包括 Scones, Mozart, Afternoon Tea Set, Cakes, 。

  6. Opening Hours. 9:00 am - 7:30 pm. (852) 2820 8550. Delivery/Takeaway Options. The 30-seat Island Gourmet is modelled in the style of a cosy patisserie, which serves homemade and contemporary cakes, chocolates, pastries and savouries, as well as a light lunch menu and afternoon tea. Visit Website. Category. Fine Dining. Western. Cakes. 5/F.

  7. 餐廳資料. 營業時間: 星期一至六:07:30am-07:30pm;星期日及公眾假期:08:30am-07:30pm. 付款方法: 信用卡, 現金 | 10% 服務費. 訂桌資料: 可供訂桌. 招牌推介: 菠菜蛋批、番茄黑水欖、三文魚蛋批、cake. 簡介: 裝修elegant,必試各式自製甜品。 相關文章. 食評. 相片. Island Gourmet - 不錯的Macarons. chocolatemuimui. 評分: 4/5. 在港島香格里拉的Lobby Lounge吃過Afternoon Tea Set,這次的鬆餅雖然比之前吃的水準下降,但Macaron... 食評相片. 黑森林與榛子. Gourmet KC. 評分: 4/5.

  8. Caracas. Raspberry Mille feuilles. Coffee biscuits with milk chocolate fondant and vanilla tiramisu mousse. Layers of caramelised puff pastry with whipped vanilla cream and fresh raspberries. contains alcohol. contains nuts. Each cake weighs 1.5 pounds and can be cut into approximately 8 to 10 portions. Mozart. Opera.

  9. 高美食店Island Gourmet's Menu, located at 5/F, Island Shangri-La Hong Kong, Two Pacific Place, 88 Queensway Admiralty.

  10. 樓高56層的港島香格里拉聳立於香港的心臟地帶,在繁華鬧市中提供靜謐一隅,並坐擁極具代表性的維多利亞港及太平山的迷人景致。. 544間寬敞客房及套房. 8間享負盛名的餐廳及酒吧. 步行兩分鐘即可到達太古廣場購物中心. 了解更多. 港島香格里拉. 入住 / 退房 ...

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