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  3. 擁有20多年珠寶設計和製作的經驗,廣受香港及外國旅客歡迎,信譽良好,實力非凡。 精選鑽石、寶石、珍珠,來款訂造首飾,歡迎親臨半島酒店商場選購。


  1. The Trojan Horse劇情. This spectacular movie is based on The Iliada by Homero and narrates the history of the assault to the city of Troy (today NW of Turkey), after Hector's death. After months of siege, combats and internal struggles, Ulysses devises the stratagem of the empty wooden horse.

    • (173)
    • Giorgio Ferroni,Giorgio Ferroni
  2. 巴黎瘋馬秀 Crazy Horse 線上看顛覆藝術、超越情色最時尚香豔的極致視聽饗宴不逛羅浮宮,不上艾菲爾鐵塔,我們只愛瘋馬女郎!. 擁有超過60年歷史的法國國粹「瘋馬秀」,與「紅磨坊」、「麗都歌舞秀」並稱巴黎夜總會三大秀,香豔四溢的舞藝境界與盛傳口碑 ...

    • (17)
    • 費德瑞克魏斯曼(Frederick Wiseman)
  3. He believes that McKenna has seen a map which leads to a rich vein of gold in the mountains and forces him to show him the way. But they're not the only ones who're after the gold; soon they meet a group of "honorable" citizens and the cavalry crosses their way too - and that is even before they enter Indian territory.

  4. 獵豔狂魔劇情. 獵豔狂魔 Il mostro (Italian: Il mostro) 是一部 1994 年的意大利 - 法國 喜劇電影 ,由羅伯託· 貝尼尼 (Roberto Benigni) 主演,他飾演一名男子,由於對該男子奇怪行爲的誤解而被警察側寫人員誤認爲是連環殺手。. 最近,城裏發生了數十起案情十分惡劣的 ...

  5. 戀愛求證劇情. 《戀愛求證 Is It Just Me?》. 講述了 布萊恩 ( 尼古拉斯 ·唐斯 Nicholas Downs 飾)是一位小有名氣的專欄作家,可是,才貌雙全工作兢兢業業的他卻總是和 丘位元 的愛情之箭擦肩而過。. 反觀 布萊恩 的室友 卡梅隆 (亞當·胡斯 Adam Huss 飾),除了 ...

  6. 義大利任務 The Italian Job 線上看該片被公認爲英國電影的巔峯佳作之一,在英國電影學院評出的100部最佳英國電影中名列第36。 片中彙集了大批當年英國影壇的紅人。

  7. 你想看這部電影? 想看 不想看. 50% 想看,共 163. 評論 | 分享. 殺手龍虎鬥(港)劇情. Leave it to Italian sleazemeister Andreas Bianchi (here co-directing with his brother)to take a brutally violent and borderline misogynist genre like the Italian "polizieschi" and actually up the ante considerably.