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  1. 2011年10月7日 · ive final year project要寫report 個阿SIR話係INTERNET COPY AND PASTE會比佢CHECK到 我問佢抄書, 佢 CHECK唔CHECK到?

  2. 2010年3月25日 · Final Year project report - IVE - 香港討論區 Discuss.com.hk - 香討.香港 No.1. 瀏覽: 2,678. 列印. 伸延閱讀. 想知全日制高級文憑上課時間 vtc職專文憑快畢業想5科2是不是要讀基礎文憑? 求chem tech hd啲notes嘅存檔 時間表 ive基礎文憑商業和高級文憑房地產及物業管理高級文憑怎麼樣? 新帖 回覆. ‹ 上一主題 下一主題 ›. [按此隱藏 Google 建議的相符內容] 網購電器. 有冇讀緊工程系final year的同學, 你們做左中期report? 有冇人知道background 寫d咩? 香港討論區.

  3. Final Year Project provides the oppportunity for the students to integrate their knowledge and conceptes learnt from different modules in the course. Some projects are industrial-oriented and suggested by organizations such as schools and NGOs.

    • ive final year project report1
    • ive final year project report2
    • ive final year project report3
    • ive final year project report4
    • ive final year project report5
  4. •The objectives of this Project were to: 1) Promote an innovative and technological development of healthcare 2) Enhance health-related professionals and healthcare stakeholders’knowledge on their professions 3) Develop a global collaboration networks with

  5. 2015年2月17日 · 3.fyp係final year project, year 2一開始就要搞,搞到sem2(即畢業前) ,係一個佔分最重既學科,仲關乎於見工(如果見同你讀相關既工),即係話如果你fyp分數差,張沙紙已經廢左一半

  6. 2011年10月7日 · ive final year project要寫report 個阿SIR話係INTERNET COPY AND PASTE會比佢CHECK到 我問佢抄書, 佢 CHECK唔CHECK到? 佢叫我唔好問佢呢D問題 D組員冇乜邊個能幹 時間又唔多 唔抄書真係死得 請問可唔可以70%抄書 謝謝 [[i] 本帖最後由 來者 於 2011-10-7

  7. The IVE programme offered by the IT Discipline cover all aspects of IT and are designed to provide students with the latest knowledge and skills to develop a career in this exciting and rapidly changing environment.

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