雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. The national flag of Japan is a rectangular white banner bearing a crimson-red circle at its center. This flag is officially called the Nisshōki ( 日章旗, 'flag of the sun'), but is more commonly known in Japan as the Hinomaru ( 日の丸, 'Ball of the sun'). It embodies the country's sobriquet: the Land of the Rising Sun .

  2. National flag consisting of a white field bearing a central red disk (a stylized sun). The flag has a width-to-length ratio of 2 to 3.According to tradition, the sun goddess Amaterasu founded Japan in the 7th century bc and was an ancestor of the first of its emperors

  3. 日本國旗 為一面白色 長方形 旗幟,旗幟中心為一個紅色 圓形 代表 太陽 。 其正式名稱為 日章旗 (日語: 日章旗 Nisshōki ) [1] ,在日本國內常以「 日之丸 」(日語: 日の丸 Hinomaru )稱之,中文地區常稱之為「太陽旗」。 日本國旗也是該國名號「旭日之國」的體現。 1999年8月13日,《 國旗國歌法 》公布施行,將「日之丸」和「君之代」分別正式定為日本的國旗及國歌,同時也調整了國旗製作的規格 [1] 。 儘管之前並沒有明確立法日本國旗為何,但與公衆及各類國際場合之間,日章旗就已是日本事實上的國旗。 在1870年明治初期,時日本政府頒佈二項公文皆有涉及 國旗 設計之規範。

  4. 2023年7月13日 · The Japanese flag consists of a pure white banner with a red disk at the center, which symbolizes the sun. While it is officially referred to as Nisshōki, which means sun-mark flag, others refer to it as Hinomaru, which translates as the circle of the sun.

  5. The Japanese flag is composed of a white background symbolizing the honesty of the Japanese people, with a crimson-red disk at its center representing Amaterasu, the sun goddess. The Japanese Flag is known as Nisshōki, meaning the “sun-mark flag”, or Hinomaru, meaning the “circle of the sun”.

  6. 2021年4月9日 · The red disk, centered on a white plane is immediately recognizable across the world and evokes strong images of both Japan and the Japanese people. Known in Japan officially as "Nisshoki" (日章旗), which meansflag of the sun,” it is more commonly referred

  7. The national flag of Japan was adopted on January 26, 1870, and officially recognized on August 13, 1999, following the passage of the Act of National Flag and Anthem. The flag is officially named the N isshoki , which means the sun-mark flag.