Welcome to the Jenny Bakery store in Hong Kong, where you’ll experience the ultimate butter cookie heaven! Our stores are located in the heart of Hong Kong, surrounded by vibrant streets and a bustling cityscape that perfectly complements the unique taste of our cookies.
In addition to its classic butter cookies, Jenny Bakery offers an assortment of other flavors such as raisin oat, coffee, and shortbread, all made without any preservatives or coloring and with GMO-free ingredients. These cookies can last up to three months and make perfect gifts for any occasion.
Hand-packed in its signature tins with charming teddy bear designs, these cookies are made fresh daily in Hong Kong. Many of the processes are hand-made to ensure the authentic taste that has made Jenny Bakery a household name.
剛剛當日同事食完飯(下午一點)話想去永和街 買「杏仁片」,原來她想買的杏仁片就是人氣一 直高企的 Jenny cookie,但因為太多人排隊,於 是她去了隔離那間店舖買了一小包「杏仁片」但 係我覺得那間 Jenny 曲奇的包裝同埋人哋人氣實 在太強勁,於是我便排了隊
2023年10月16日 · 香港小熊餅乾推薦. 珍妮曲奇(Jenny Bakery)創辦人Jenny,於2005年創立品牌,因為喜歡泰迪熊,便於包裝鐵盒上印小熊,並每個月更換圖案,久而久之也成為泰迪熊迷的收藏品。 後續為了讓曲奇外包裝跟大陸別稱形象統一,所以將正式名稱訂為「聰明小熊餅乾」。 咖啡花曲奇. 甚麼叫濃醇香,這款發揮的淋漓盡致,是四款奶油曲其中PEKO最愛的,這回多虧妹妹的朋友幫買,讓PEKO又有機會再次回味。 經典奶油曲奇. 牛油花曲奇 (Butter Flower)、咖啡花曲奇 (Coffee Flower)、脆牛油曲奇 (Shortbread) 、燕麥提子曲奇 (Raison Oat)
顯示全部48篇食評. 珍妮曲奇 Jenny Bakery的餐廳地址、電話、食評、相片及餐牌,餐廳位於 尖沙咀彌敦道54-64號美麗都大廈地下24號舖。. 主要菜式包括 4mix, cookies, 。.
珍妮曲奇 Jenny Bakery的餐廳地址、電話、食評、相片及餐牌,餐廳位於 尖沙咀彌敦道54-64號美麗都大廈1樓42號舖。
珍妮曲奇(Jenny Bakery)創辦人為Jenny,在2005年於香港赤柱創立餅舖,另外,又因為創辦人Jenny喜歡收藏泰迪熊,便在自家的餅乾包裝盒上印小熊,且為了讓名稱與包裝統一,所以將正式名稱訂為「聰明小熊餅乾」。
Jenny Bakery Cookies. At Jenny Bakery, we take pride in our commitment to using only the freshest ingredients to make our cookies. Each day, our team of skilled bakers works tirelessly to craft our delectable treats by hand, ensuring that every bite is bursting with the rich, buttery flavor that our customers have come to know and love.
2020年8月4日 · 珍妮的傳奇. 開創珍妮曲奇這本土神話的是一個姓楊的貴婦,英文名為Jenny (珍妮),她也說過做曲奇只是興趣,因為她做手工曲奇原本是在她的上流圈做給朋友吃吃而已,但因為在圈內大受歡迎,她才小試牛刀做少量零售,第一間店開在赤柱那就知道她其實也不是想做到現在這個規模,在2005年只有一間赤柱小店的珍妮其實在那時候的確是蠻受香港人歡迎的,不時聽到公司的OL女生圍在一團說要吃Jenny Bakery… 負評不斷,越鬧越多人買.