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  1. Title. Full Kansai Route Map. Author. West Japan Railway Company. Created Date. 3/3/2020 10:00:25 AM.

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  2. 活用路線記號、路線顏色&車站編號導覽. 從關西國際機場搭乘JR西日本的導覽. 在車站和電車內的禮儀. 東海道、山陽、九州、西九州新幹線. 特大行李放置處附帶席. FAQ. 優惠車票. JR西日本鐵路周遊券. 時刻表、路線圖 & 車站地圖.

  3. 其他人也問了

  4. Route Maps. JR-WEST AREA (EN) (PDF, 2,383kb) Japanese Version. JR-WEST KANSAI AREA. (PDF, 1,127kb) Japanese Version. * When searching for times, select the station name on the route map, copy it, and then paste it in the search window to avoid having to check the station name spelling.

  5. 關西鐵道網路路線圖 關西地區

  6. Title. Full Kansai Route Map. Author. WEST JAPAN RAILWAY COMPANY. Created Date. 3/9/2018 1:36:06 PM.

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  7. Below is a map of lines that can be used with the JR Kansai Area Pass (and the three 1-day passes that come with it): Validity. Unlimited use of local JR trains in the designated area in the Kansai Region, including Osaka, Kyoto, Nara, Kobe, Kansai Airport and Himeji (see map above).

  8. Use our easy-to-use maps of the Kansai area including a map of the entire region as well as metro maps for Kyoto and Osaka. Though the big cities in the area have metro lines, getting around Kansai by train with your JR Pass is generally the preferred method.