雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 嘉里建設有限公司 (港交所: 0683),成立於1978年,由 郭鶴年家族 控制,現在 香港交易所 上市。. 嘉里建設專注於豪宅市場,亦投資、經營及擁有 物流 及 貨倉 業務、進行與基建有關之投資、及擁有及經營 酒店 業務、包括 香格里拉大酒店。. 集團已發展成 ...

  2. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Kerry_GroupKerry Group - Wikipedia

    Kerry Group plc is a public food company headquartered in Ireland. It is quoted on the Dublin ISEQ and London stock exchanges. Kerry's Main Factory in Listowel. Given the company's origins in the co-operative movement, farmer-suppliers of the company retain a significant interest in the company.

  3. 其他人也問了

  4. Kerry Properties Limited is a listed company engaged in property development in Hong Kong, Mainland China and Asia Pacific region; infrastructure projects in Hong Kong and mainland China; and hotel ownership and operations in mainland China with its head.

  5. Kerry Properties is a world-class property development company with significant investments in key cities in the People's Republic of China (the "PRC") and Hong Kong.

  6. Founded in 1974, Kerry Holdings Limited is a Hong Kong based investment holding company. Kerry owns successful businesses in properties, hospitality, logistics, wines and philanthropy. It is a...

  7. 嘉里建設有限公司(「嘉里建設」)於1996年在香港聯合交易所上市,於中國內地及香港均有重大投資。早於1978年, 嘉里建設已在香港參與物業投資及發展業務。. 嘉里建設在地產發展方面積累數十年經驗睿智,建構高階品牌地位。. 集團專注在主要城市繁華地段 ...

  8. Kerry Group is an international leader in taste & nutrition innovation. Our scientists create ingredients for products people enjoy & feel better consuming.