雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2012年2月29日 · Senior Member. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. English. Feb 29, 2012. #4. "Kindly" can be an adjective, too. It means benevolent, gentle and agreeable. It's more often applied to people than to things, which is one reason why friendly reminder is the right choice in fujisan 's post. The other reason is that "friendly reminder" is a stock ...

  2. 2006年11月7日 · In American English, we would not use "kind reminder" either. Although it would be understood, it sounds awkward. We use the phrase "friendly reminder". An example would be: Dear Mr. Smith, This is a friendly reminder that your June lawncare bill was due on June 30, 2008. Last edited by a moderator: Jun 26, 2014.

  3. 2019年2月1日 · 「催促」は英語で reminder といいます。 最初の優しい感じで催促状を送るときは、 kind reminder 次もまあまあ優しく催促状を送ることができるので、kindは除いて reminder それでも返信がない場合は demand 最終通告は final demand になります。

  4. 2013年10月29日 · Oct 29, 2013. #4. Exactly sean, You can't say 'Thanks for your reminding' and not finish with at least a direct object. That is it's possible to say just "Thanks for your reminding me." when both participants have common knowledge of the subject of the reminder. However, 'Thanks for your kind reminder.' is fine.

  5. 2016年12月27日 · Dec 27, 2016. #3. I write this sentense in an email. It reminds the customer to submit sth or return sth. eg. As a warm reminder, please return the original receipt for our assessment. For further asking, "kindly noted that XXXXXX" is this sentense as friendly phrase also?

  6. 2011年3月9日 · A 'reminder' is neutral e.g. a meeting reminder--this is more than enough. There's nothing friendly about 'gentle reminder'. It signifies a warning that there's a nastier reminder afterwards, or a fine or a punishment. 'Kindly' is normally used by a superior to an inferior e.g. a boss to his/her secretary: Kindly draft a letter to Mr X.

  7. 2012年2月11日 · In keeping with my phrase in question, I would like to supplement "a final reminder to be back" with "to / for noun/pronoun to infinitive". The final version, in my opinion, would look like this: Mum sent me off with a final reminder to me to be back before 11pm. or for

  8. 2014年10月27日 · English - England. Oct 27, 2014. #6. medlock938 said: The context is - "She needed a reminder on who she was up against." "She needed a reminder on who she was dealing with." Thank you all for your replies. In those cases I would definitely choose 'of'. "She needed a reminder of who she was up against."

  9. 2013年8月19日 · Missouri, USA. English - USA. Aug 19, 2013. #4. This is a friendly reminder to those who have not yet sent me their charge accounts (maybe: bank statements). On the other hand, keep in mind that each unit should issue the corresonding payment as soon as possible.

  10. 2010年6月8日 · Jun 8, 2010. #4. "A gentle reminder" is the phrase used to describe the way you politely remind someone; it is not the phrase you would actually say when delivering the reminder. For example: In the morning, I say to the professor: "I'm sure you won't forget to sign my form". In the evening, I tell my friend: "This morning I gave the professor ...

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