雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Kwai_FongKwai Fong - Wikipedia

    Kwai Fong is an area of Kwai Chung Town, Kwai Tsing District, Hong Kong. Location. The mainly residential area extends to Kwai Hing (葵興) in the north, Lai King in the south, Tsing Yi Bridge to the west, and Tai Lin Pai Industrial Area to the east. It is part of the reclamation of Gin Drinkers Bay in 1960s. Name.

  2. 戲院. 禮蜜卡區. 即租即睇. 葵芳. 設施. 門票資料. 615 SEATS. 5 HOUSES. 泊車優惠. 地圖. 地址: 新界葵芳興芳路223號新都會廣場L1-L4. 按電影. 按日期. 放映場次. 載入中... 葵芳 | 地址: 新界葵芳興芳路223號新都會廣場L1-L4 | 電話:

  3. Gathered popular restaurants in the district with diversified choices in shopping, dining and entertainment, Metroplaza is always a renowned and fashionable landmark for shopping. 新都會廣場位置優越,擁有逾二百間商店,總面積達54萬呎,雲集區內人氣食府,提供購物、飲食、娛樂等多元化選擇,為區 ...

  4. 葵芳(英語: Kwai Fong )在填海前稱為葵涌澳,位於香港 新界西南部,葵興以南、荔景以北、青衣橋以東、大連排工業區以西,屬下葵涌北部葵涌的中心地帶,是1960年代葵涌澳 填海地帶一部分,屬於葵青區範圍內。

  5. Welcome to Hong Kong's leading entertainment destination. Discover the latest events, insider recommendations, and happenings in and around Lan Kwai Fong.

  6. 2024年10月24日 · Lan Kwai Fong, Central, Hong Kong, p. 2114 0555 Leaving Lan Kwai Fong Unless you’re having an early night, you likely won’t catch the last train after partying in LKF. Luckily for those who live in Kowloon and don’t want to pay for a cab, there’s an Boards ...

  7. 2 天前 · "It was probably the busiest I've ever seen and I started Lan Kwai Fong about 30 years ago," Zeman told Hong Kong Today. He estimated that more than 60,000 people came out to celebrate.

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