雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps.

  2. Maps of Lamma Island. Long but irregularly shaped and quite hilly the coastline of Lamma Island has for thousands of years providing landing places and natural harbours for the inhabitants. Today the majority of the small population lives on the northerly Yung Shue Wan village which ad adjacent to the power station.

  3. Description: Outlying island in Hong Kong. Categories: car-free place and landform. Location: Outlying Islands, Hong Kong, East Asia, Asia. View on Open­Street­Map. Latitude. 22.20944° or 22° 12' 34" north. Longitude. 114.13147° or 114° 7' 53" east.

  4. 南丫島漫步路線地圖. 南丫島 占地遼闊,面積達13.85平方公里, 最主要的交通碼頭有兩個:左上方的榕樹灣碼頭、右下角的索罟灣碼頭, 榕樹灣碼頭較為熱鬧、商業化,設有西式茶座餐廳, 索罟灣碼頭較為原始,老式漁村山水景觀,有海鮮餐廳、小攤位。 島內交通沒有公車或大眾運輸,主要就是靠雙腳步行, 如地圖所示,整條漫步路線從起點走到終點約7公里,需時4小時, 不過如果只是想大概體驗一下原始漁村的山水風光,也不一定要走完全程, 因為我們是在六月時前往,剛好是最熱的時候, 所以我們只有從索罟灣碼頭步行到蘆鬚城泳灘(單程約20分鐘), 最後原路折返,從原碼頭搭船回程。 PS.我們的一日遊行程參考: 張保仔→索罟灣碼頭→天虹海鮮午餐→漫步至蘆鬚城泳灘→索罟灣碼頭回程(天虹免費船班)

  5. 南丫島:品味傳統漁村和多元社區交織共融的悠閒魅力. 內文由 《南華早報》Morning Studio 團隊提供. 距離市區不遠的南丫島,帶有恬靜純樸的小島風情,是享受閒情逸致的理想之地。. 南丫島原以漁業為主,發展至今,已成為很多外籍人士聚居的社區,為這個傳統 ...

  6. 2020年6月23日 · Full Map of Lamma Island. 平常地圖和路線圖我都是分開弄,但南丫島比較簡單一點,因為普遍第一和第二次來都是走同一條路,從榕樹灣碼頭開始沿著逛榕樹灣大街,之後左轉到家樂徑,然後中間有十字路口,正常都是先直走去沙灘和觀景台,如果想繼續往前 ...

  7. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Lamma_IslandLamma Island - Wikipedia

    Lamma Island is located to the southwest of Hong Kong Island. It is the third largest island of Hong Kong, with an area of 13.55 km 2 (5.23 sq mi) [4] and a length of 7 kilometres (4.3 mi). The northern village is called Yung Shue Wan (Banyan Tree Bay) and the eastern village is called Sok Kwu Wan (Rainbow Bay, literally Cable ...

  8. Nature lovers and Instagram buffs can explore the area's breathtaking scenery and cultural sites along the leisurely 5 km Lamma Island Family Walk, while history buffs can learn more about local culture at Lamma Fisherfolk's Village.

  9. Explore Lamma Island in Google Earth.

  10. The third largest island in Hong Kong is the most interesting place to experience the natural life of Hong Kong, the seafood, the countryside, walks and views - all just 30 minutes ferry ride from the center of the Central business district on Hong Kong Island.