雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Long Valley is a piece of freshwater wetland at the north of Sheung Shui Downtown. It is a main wintering ground for migratory birds other than Mai Po. Long Valley is manly farmlands and fish ponds. Among the farmlands are wet farms for planting Water Spinach and Watercress.

  2. 2023年5月17日 · 夏天的塱原濕地,現時成為塱原自然生態公園 (英文:Long Valley Nature Park),眼前一片翠綠,這裡種植了不少水生植物。 背包豬在路上遇見悠閒的牛群,路邊的草地鮮花盛開,吸引不少蝴蝶飛舞。 5月初夏郊遊【短片】: 塱原濕地田園風光 香港賞花2023 (@roasterpig.blogspot) 河上鄉交通: 上水河上鄉半日遊:河上鄉交通. [Ad] Long Valley Nature Park, Ho Sheung Heung Wetland, Summer. 2022年9月記. 金風送爽郊遊樂 秋色無邊好風光. 秋天郊遊樂趣多,告別夏日烈陽,夏花還在絢爛。 肥美的秋葵果實,也有淡黃的秋葵花。

  3. Long Valley is the largest contiguous freshwater wetland in Hong Kong. The marshes and ponds provide much-needed habitats and food for migratory birds during the period from October through December each year.

  4. Long Valley ( Chinese: 塱原) is a wetland in Sheung Shui of the New Territories in Hong Kong. The wetland was originally formed by the rice paddies between Shek Sheung River and Sheung Yue River. It is the last agricultural wetland in Hong Kong.

  5. 野生動物非同寵物,隨意投食或使用誘餌不但會改變牠們的生活習性,更會減低牠們的覓食能力,此外也會降低牠們對人類或捕獵者的警覺性,騷擾的行為也會增添其壓力。. 一時的自我滿足,卻長遠地影響著牠們的繁殖及生存能力。. 這些經過刻意設計手段攝得 ...

  6. 在1999年以前,這片土地仍未有正式名稱,一班觀鳥愛好者則習慣以「Long Valley」稱呼該地。 1999年,環保團體反對鐵路公司的落馬洲支線以興建高架路軌方式跨越當地,當地環境開始受社會關注,「Long Valley」和中文譯音「塱原」亦正式成為該片土地的名稱。 塱原今昔. 塱原是香港東北最完整和最大片的天然泛濫平原。 1970年代以前,以種植水稻為主,亦有不少魚塘,以及紅蟲和水螆(水蚤)的養殖塘。 70年代以後,隨著本地農業轉型,塱原也逐漸由生產水稻轉為種植菜蔬,主要種植通菜和西洋菜,也有少量荷花,由於這些均為濕耕作物,因此在轉型後仍然保留大片濕田,依舊是本地重要的農業型濕地,孕育著豐富的濕地生態,更加是過境候鳥的重要補給站。

  7. Owingto the continuous active farming practices since 200 years ago, Long Valley becomes the large stactive fresh water agricultural wetland habitat in Hong Kong, serving as an important breeding site for animals, especially birds and amphibians.

  8. Ecology in Long Valley. Long Valley Wetland. Long Valley wetland, consisting of more than 400 farmlands, is the largest, continuous freshwater wetland in Hong Kong. Wetland habitats there is very diversified including marshes, mitigation wetland, water flea ponds, fish ponds, irrigation channels as well as wet farmlands planting watercress ...

  9. Location of Long Valley. Long Valley locates at northern New Territories, Hong Kong. Long Valley is triangular shaped flat lands between Sheung Yue River (River Beas) and Shek Sheung River with an area about 37 hectares. Long Valley was a natural floodplain.

  10. The diversed habitat in Long Valley attracts various bird groups. HKBWS has recorded 318 bird species (>50% of bird species in HK) in Long Valley since 1993, including about 14 globally endangered species. Long Valley is a paradise for birds. Hong Kong Bird Watching Society.

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