雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2 天前 · 本站准确提供澳门特别行政区邮编查询,澳门特别行政区邮政编码,澳门特别行政区邮编,澳门特别行政区邮编号码,澳门特别行政区邮编是多少,澳门特别行政区邮编查询,澳门特别行政区邮政编码大全,澳门特别行政区邮政编码等.

  2. 澳門郵編頁面不僅包括郵寄到澳門的地址例子,而且提供了澳門内部的城市郵編、郵政編碼方案以及參考外部網站鍊接。

  3. www.ctt.gov.mo › MacauPost › Default澳門郵政 - CTT

    Correios de Macau 電信 Telecomunicações 特快專遞 Serviço do Correio Rápido (EMS) 集郵 Filatelia 郵政儲金局 Caixa Económica Postal 通訊博物館 Museu das Comunicações 電子認證 eSignTrust 安全電子郵政 Electrónicos Postais Seguros 推廣易 ...

  4. 2023年12月29日 · The international zip code for Macau is 999078. However, it hasn’t been widely used actually. When you post a letter or package to Macau, please make sure that your address is correct.

  5. 基於此,特制定以下本地郵政地址的標準樣式以供參考: 本地郵政地址最多以六行為限, 字體靠左排列、連續及沒有空白行。 葡文或英文郵政地址應以大寫字母為佳。 發信人如能遵照本局所規範之本地郵政地址樣式,可加快派遞速度及減少錯派機會。

  6. Macau is Administrative Region of Mainland China, China Post has assigned a six-digit 999078 (9-series codes) as the Macau postal code. though it is only occasionally used when sending mail from mainland China. Thus, The international zip code for Macau is 999078.

  7. 市、县、区名 邮政编码 长途区号 市、县、区名 邮政编码 长途区号 大堂区 999078 00853 路氹城 999078 00853 花地玛堂区 999078 00853 圣安多尼堂区 999078 00853 望德堂区 999078 00853 风顺堂区 999078 00853 嘉模堂区 999078 00853 圣方济各堂区 999078

  8. Postal address should be complete and precise so as to enable postal objects to be delivered to addressees correctly. In attaining this objective, all senders should follow the standard format of local postal address as provided by Macao Post below:

  9. 999078是澳門澳門下屬區域的郵政編碼。

  10. Get Postal Codes collect world postal codes, address, city, country information for you.

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