雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 註冊社工、ACGN愛好者、COS攝,喜歡貓但家中沒有養,有時會出現在執事、女僕CAFE,特別是去旅行的時候。 歡迎在 facebook 上加我朋友,互相交流,但請先 PM 我來意,感謝。

  2. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Maid_caféMaid café - Wikipedia

    Maid cafés ( Japanese: メイド喫茶 or メイドカフェ, Hepburn: meido kissa or meido kafe) are a subcategory of cosplay restaurants found predominantly in Japan and Taiwan. In these cafés, waitresses, dressed in maid costumes, act as servants, and treat customers as masters (and mistresses) as if they were in a private home, rather than as café patrons.

  3. Maid Cafe. 糖果工房 ( 旺角 ) 叫左一份套餐,150蚊有蛋包飯、一杯朱古力飲料、同埋可以影一張直畢相。 寫Google熄屏仲可以送一份腸仔。 蛋包飯同腸仔鹹淡適中,不過朱古力就有少少唔夠甜,或者唔夠朱古力味。 咁星期四去睇就可以去都有女僕表演唱歌,8:30開始,成個氣氛都唔錯。 更多. 123. 推介. 已推介. 檢視所有留言 () 檢舉. KinHeiTse. 1. 0. 味道. 環境. 服務. 衛生. 抵食. 推介美食. 薯餅.

  4. 女僕咖啡廳 (日語: メイドカフェ meido kafe ;英語: maid café ),又稱 女僕喫茶 ( メイド喫茶/メイドきっさ meido kissa ),為 角色扮演系餐廳 的一大類型。 在女僕咖啡廳內,女服務生會穿着女僕的裝束,把顧客視為如同在私人住宅中的主人一般提供服務,而不單是視為普通 喫茶店 或咖啡店的顧客。 第一家正式的女僕咖啡廳「 Cure Maid 」於2001年3月在日本 東京都 秋葉原 電氣街成立。 [1] [2] [3] 隨後各家女僕咖啡廳開始於日本各處紛紛成立,逐漸形成一種 御宅族 次文化 的流行風潮。 [4]

  5. 2024年1月12日 · We asked some maid cafe experts from MAID√MADE, a maid cafe popular for its futuristic technology-themed interior and concept, to give us tips on how to choose the best cafe, what food to expect, and how to enjoy your experience at a maid cafe to the

  6. 這一次出版小冊子,是希望整理多年來對這個次文化的思緒,同時也以另一形式,讓更多圈外朋友更易接觸Maid Cafe讓我們手把手攻略 Maid Cafe 新手村吧!. 謝先生 二零二二年五月二十八日. 本小冊子,在 Rainbow Gala 27同人誌即賣會 首次公開免費派發實體本 (印刷 ...

  7. A Maid Cafe is a unique type of cafe that originated in Japan. It is a place where customers can enjoy food and drink while being served by waitresses dressed in maid costumes. These cafes are popular among both locals and tourists, and they offer a unique dining experience that cannot be found anywhere else.

  8. 2024年7月16日 · "MAID√MADE" is a cutting-edge maid cafe where you can enjoy the atmosphere of Japan's latest subculture within all the thrills of immense, detailed world-building. Not only does it offer the entertainment style's staple of delicious magic and live maid stages, but this spot is so good its even known for its carefully prepared meals.

  9. 2021年2月4日 · We visited Akihabara's popular @Home Cafe and legendary maid Hitomi, who attracts attention from around the world, who also shared how to enjoy maid cafes in Japan. We’ll tell you all about it from start to finish!

  10. 2024年5月28日 · From the first-ever maid cafe to ones that transform into adult spaces by night, each offers a distinctive experience. Whether you're seeking a magical meal, a quiet retreat, or an unforgettable performance, Tokyo's maid cafes promise an adventure into the heart

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