Soong Mei-ling (also spelled Soong May-ling; March 4, 1898 [ 1 ] – October 23, 2003), also known as Madame Chiang (Chinese : 蔣夫人), was a Chinese political figure. The youngest of the Soong sisters, she married Chiang Kai-shek and played a prominent role in Chinese politics and foreign relations in the first half of the 20th century. [ 2 ]
林美玲醫生 Dr. Lam Mei Ling, May;註冊專科:西醫、精神科;地址:香港中環都爹利街6號印刷行405室;診所名稱:恩德賢診所;電話:21518009.
鄺美玲醫生 DR. KWONG MAY LING MARIA. 4.6. 鄺美玲醫生為外科專科醫生,診所位於九龍旺角亞皆老街16號旺角商業大廈15樓1502室 鄺美玲醫生診所/Dr. Kwong May Ling Maria Clinic, Rm 1502, 15/F, Mong Kok Commercial Ctr, 15 Argyle St, Mong Kok, Kowloon。
鄺美玲醫生 Dr. KWONG MAY LING, MARIA;註冊專科:西醫、外科;地址:九龍旺角亞皆老街16號旺角商業大廈15樓1502室;電話:23900321.
2017年3月6日 · 有鑽石媒人之稱的Mei Ling本來在成衣市場位居要職,9年前退休後開設婚姻介紹所,原因是身邊太多閨蜜單身。 當時Mei Ling發現,介紹所的對象質素參差,不適合朋友條件。
2023年10月23日 · The former first lady, known by her maiden name Soong Mei-ling, died in her sleep at her New York home at the age of 106, after a life spanning three centuries and the birth of modern China.
2019年10月10日 · “Little Sister” May-ling became Madame Chiang Kai-shek and wielded global influence from her perch in Taiwan, where her husband ruled for 25 years. “Red Sister” Ching-ling wed Sun Yat-sen, the...
Chiang Mei-ling, born Soong Mei- ling (often spelled May-ling), did not follow the traditional path of a female born in China in the late nine- teenth century. Educated in the United States, she found it difficult to assimilate back into Chinese society as a young
2024年10月19日 · Soong Mei-ling (born March 5, 1897, Shanghai, China—died October 23, 2003, New York, New York, U.S.) was a notable Chinese political figure and second wife of the Nationalist Chinese president Chiang Kai-shek.
Dr Lam, May Mei Ling. 註冊專科: [ 精神科 ] 專業資格: 澳洲新南威爾斯大學內外全科醫學士 1995. 英國皇家精神科醫學院院士 2000. 香港精神科醫學院院士 2004. 香港醫學專科學院院士 (精神科) 2004.