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    IPA [ˈmiːnwaɪl]

    adv 副詞

    • 1. 同時 George, meanwhile, was planting cabbages 與此同時,喬治在種捲心菜
    • 2. 其間 meanwhile, if you have any questions ... 在此期間,如果你們有甚麼問題…

    n 名詞

    • 1. meantime


  2. "Great - meanwhile, let's set the table." They've arranged to have another meeting in two weeks, and meanwhile the problem is getting worse and worse! The computers should be working again soon. Meanwhile, could everyone get on with some paperwork

  3. "Great - meanwhile, let's set the table." They've arranged to have another meeting in two weeks, and meanwhile the problem is getting worse and worse! The computers should be working again soon. Meanwhile, could everyone get on with some paperwork

  4. "Great - meanwhile, let's set the table." They've arranged to have another meeting in two weeks, and meanwhile the problem is getting worse and worse! The computers should be working again soon. Meanwhile, could everyone get on with some paperwork

  5. meanwhile 和 in the meantime 意思和用法是很類似的,翻成中文皆為「同時;在此期間」,不過兩者的用途還是有些微的 不同 ,因為 in the meantime 通常只會用於 兩個事件的期間 (in the period of time between two events),像是 等待事情發生的空檔 (例如:活動開始前、公車到 ...

  6. meanwhile. adverb. uk / ˈmiːn.waɪl / us / ˈmiːn.waɪl /. Add to word list. Add to word list. B1. until something expected happens, or while something else is happening. 在此期間;(與此)同時. Carl's starting college in September.

  7. In the meanwhile, I am going to study chemistry. 我希望最终能上医学院。. 这期间我打算学化学。. 牛津词典. Brush the aubergines with oil, add salt and pepper, and bake till soft. Meanwhile, heat the remaining oil in a heavy pan... 把油涂在茄子上,加盐和胡椒烤至松软。. 与此同时,在厚锅中加热 ...

  8. Meanwhile while 的主要差別在於,while 表達了同一時段發生的兩件事情,意思是「同時」;而 meanwhile 的意思則偏向「此時」或「這個時候」,並且常常強調不同地點或不同狀況下發生的另一件事情。

  9. 2016年8月11日 · 英文「Meanwhile」與「While」都有「同時」的意思,但這兩者的用法又不同,究竟該如何區分它們之間的用法差異呢? Engvid 的講師 Emma 整理了一張表格,只要遵守表格上的規則來分辨「Meanwhile」與「While」,下次看見相關句型時就不用擔心分不清楚啦!

  10. 『欧路词典』为您提供meanwhile的用法讲解告诉您准确全面的meanwhile的中文意思,meanwhile的读音,meanwhile的同义词,meanwhile的反义词,meanwhile的例句。

  11. Meanwhile means in the period of time between two events, or while an event is happening. Take the dish out of the oven and leave to cool. Meanwhile, whip the cream lightly.

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