年輕面容. MENCE 的全港首項專利綠色抗衰老技術,於香港、美國、瑞士、澳洲、加拿大及台灣等地區獲得專利認證,以有機、無創、無副作用的方式活化肌膚細胞,達到細胞再生功能,有效緊緻肌膚及眼袋,撫平皺紋,還能修復受損肌膚,淡化黑眼圈,強效收 ...
MENCE advocates natural beauty, and has developed a series of non-invasive, non-additive green anti-aging programs that can help you achieve a rejuvenated youthful look and toned body shape that transcend ages, enhance your personal charm, and realize a
在過去近40年間,憑著高質素服務,MENCE在美容界早已奠定領導地位,傲視同群,傳媒爭相訪問,獲獎無數,屢獲國際機構認證嘉許。 秉承「精益求精,止於至善」的信念,除了提供女士服務外,我們勇於開拓男士美容市場,更獲《時代雜誌》(TIME)譽為「全 ...
Over the past 40 years, MENCE has established itself as a leader in the beauty and weight management industry with its high quality of service. Our leading position is demonstrated by frequent coverage in the media and the receipt of numerous awards and accolades from international organizations.
我們現在沒有任何商品 可以展示。. 佐敦總店(男、女賓部). 九龍佐敦彌敦道 238 號 238 大廈 10 樓 1001-1007 室. (佐敦港鐵站 E 出口,匯豐銀行樓上). 銅鑼灣分店(男、女賓部). 香港銅鑼灣怡和街 28 號恆生銅鑼灣大廈 20 樓. (銅鑼灣港鐵站 F1 出口). 營業時間 ...
Thanks to our trusted lady customers and friends, MENCE has been able to reshape so many outstanding and happy people like you, and foster beautiful exchanges with like-minded people. MENCE's new generation patented technologies are all-natural, safe and painless without the need for Botox, HIFU, Thermage, etc. or any invasive procedures ...
MENCE可為你全身或特定部位增強肌肉,無需器械操練下為你達到「爆肌」效果,輕鬆打造「六嚿腹肌」。 追求理想身型的你,同時也渴望擁有一副年輕容貌?
MENCE can help your dreams come true. Based on our 40 years of anti-aging experience, we can help you remove the following stumbling blocks: Do you have a hectic schedule and too many social engagements? Or suffering from “3 Highs”? Wishing for a healthy weight, but got no time for exercise?
為了幫一眾女士們輕鬆解決以上問題,MENCE的頂尖團隊硏發出一系列針對產後媽媽回復窈窕的Postnatal Body Contouring (PBC) 女士產後塑身技術,務求以全天然、最舒適、健康、快捷的無創方法令你擁有青春魅力,迷人吸引。