雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 積金局(MPFA)負責規管及監督強制性公積金計劃的運作,致力建立香港市民珍而重之的退休儲蓄制度。請瀏覽本網站以瞭解更多強積金制度的最新資訊。

  2. 背景 計劃種類 涵蓋範圍 參加及終止程序 強制性供款 自願性供款/可扣稅自願性供款 稅務 帳戶管理 提取強積金 長期服務金和 ...

  3. 國際口足畫藝協會(AMFPA)是國際性組織,創立於1957年的歐洲,專為雙手失去功能的口足畫家提供各種機會,除使其享有獨立的經濟外,同時讓他們在創作上獲得無比的成就。對這些畫家而言,能以耐心與決心持續追求完美,而不管上天加諸於身上的限制,實為自己生命的禮讚。

  4. Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority - e-Enquiry of Personal Account Your account is temporarily locked, due to six unsuccessful consecutive attempts. Please try again ...

  5. Explore MFPA's collection of fashion, lifestyle products, paintings, stationery, and accessories. Featuring artwork by artists who paint with their mouth or feet. Discover their unique creations. Shop now and support their artistic talent.

  6. 假如你曾以永久離開香港為理由提早提取強積金,將不能以同一理由再次提出申請,受託人亦不會向你支付任何強積金。 詳情請參閱法定聲明 (第 MPF(S) - W(SD2) 號表格)。 積金局備有曾以永久離港為理由而成功提取強積金的計劃成員紀錄冊。

  7. 投資涉及風險,過往的投資表現並非未來表現的指標。 在作出投資決定時,不應只考慮基金的表現,基金的投資目標、費用及收費、風險程度及服務水平等其他因素亦應予以考慮。 市場上有不同類別的強積金成分基金,計劃成員應按照自己可承受的風險水平從中選取。

  8. The MFPA held an exhibition of international work from 24th November to 1st December 2023. The Mouth and Foot Painting Artists was presented with a unique opportunity to showcase some of its unique international artists work, in an exhibition of 45 framed prints that were put on display for MP’s and Members of the House of Lords to view, as they went about their work.

  9. www.mpfa.org.hk › en › supervisionRegisters - MPFA

    MPFA Mission and Role Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility Blog Corporate Events Friends of MPF Social Media Joining MPFA Approved Supplier Lists ...

  10. The MFPA is an international, for-profit association wholly owned and controlled by disabled artists to help them meet their financial needs. Support Their Cause “The importance of art for me is to fulfill a purpose that I have set for myself. To inspire young people to ...

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