Mindfulness focuses the human brain on what is being sensed at each moment, instead of on its normal rumination on the past or the future. [web 22] Mindfulness may be seen as a mode of being, [web 23] and can be practiced outside a formal setting.
正念療法. 正念 (英語: Mindfulness) [來源請求] 的概念最早源自於佛法;然而,當代的正念大多已去宗教化、去儀式化,只留存其中的心智鍛鍊方法,並廣泛應用於各領域中。. 簡單來說,當代的正念,指的就是活在當下,讓人更專注在生活的每一刻,並隨時觀 ...
正念[1] (mindfulness),又称 內觀[2],是一種心理過程,通过有目的地将 注意力 集中于当下,不加评判地 觉知 一个又一个瞬间所呈现的体验的觉知力和深入观察的 觉照 [3][4][5][6],能以冥想和其他訓練發展而成 [4][7][8]。. 觉察同“表達當下念頭、現在進 ...
冥想 (英語: Meditation),是一種心性鍛鍊法,在 瑜伽 裡經常使用,在 佛教 、 道教 中則稱為 打坐 、 坐禪。. 大致可分為兩種作法,第一為將注意力集中一處不動,例如集中於身上 脈輪 、 咒語 或身前的燭火等等。. 第二為心裡觀想特定圖案景象維持不動 ...
Mindfulness means paying close attention to things as they are right now, in the present moment. It means noticing our own thoughts, feelings and physical sensations, and the people and world around us, in a spirit of friendliness and curiosity.
What is mindfulness? Mindfulness is a technique you can learn which involves making a special effort to notice what’s happening in the present moment (in your mind, body and surroundings) – without judging anything. It has roots in Buddhism and meditation, but you don’t have to be spiritual, or have any particular beliefs, to try it.
2021年3月23日 · 正念減壓(Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction)確實源自於東方的禪修,但創辦人喬.卡巴金(Jon Kabat-Zinn)在 1979 年已經把它去宗教化、去儀式化,只留存其中的心智鍛鍊方法,並應用於醫療領域。