雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 從京都如何前往近江八幡. 從京都車站搭乘前往米原、敦賀方向的JR東海道山陽本線新快速列車,只需要四十分鐘左右的時間就能抵達滋賀的近江八幡車站,途中不需要轉車,即便搭的是普通列車,也能在一個小時內抵達,是近年來做為從京都出發一日小旅行的好 ...

  2. 北海道絕景6:積丹・日本海灘百選之一的島武意海岸. 島武意海岸位在積丹半島上,夏天可以親身感受海水的積丹藍海。. 通過幽暗的隧道後,映入眼簾的是蔚藍的天空與湛藍的海水,彷彿桃花源一般令人感到驚喜!. 海岸邊的左側有塊大岩石,被稱為屏風岩 ...

  3. 2022年11月7日 · As of September 2022, there are 1,131 National Treasures of Japan, including buildings, sculptures, paintings, calligraphy and archeological artifacts. The oldest is the so-called "Jomon Venus," a clay female figurine that dates from the Middle Jomon period (3520–2470 BCE).

  4. 天氣好的話可以選擇坐室外,東京鐵塔就在身旁唷,氣氛好料理佳價格合理,推薦給大家~. Terrace Dining TANGO. 店鋪地址:東京都港區芝公園3丁目5-4 1F. 交通方式: 「赤羽橋站」徒步5分鐘左右. 營業時間:星期一~六11:30~15:00 ∕ 17:00~23:30. 星期天11:30~16:00 ∕ 17: ...

  5. 2018年12月15日 · 說到日本的國民美食,拉麵絕對是佔有重要的一席之地。近年來世界各國也能看見一間又一間的日式拉麵店在地插旗。因為拉麵的美味、快速和平價,讓全世界的人都深深陷入拉麵的誘人魅力之中。拉麵的種類之多,在日本各地都有研發出別具地方風味的拉麵口味,各種口味也都有各自的熱烈擁護者 ...

  6. 2018年8月24日 · Japanese digital art collective teamLab, in collaboration with local urban landscape developer Mori Building Co. Ltd., has unveiled their awe-inspiring permanent digital art museum on June 21, 2018. The amazing light displays are housed in their very own building, spread out over two floors in a huge space in Tokyo’s Odaiba district. https ...

  7. 2019年2月4日 · 2019's Lantern Festival will be going on until February 19. Being located on the southwestern island of Kyushu, Nagasaki is a bit of a long haul from Tokyo (or Sapporo, if you’re in town for the northern city’s Snow Festival, which is also going on now ). But in terms of taking a trip to another world, it’s definitely worth hopping on a ...

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