雅虎香港 搜尋


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    IPA [mɪst]

    n 名詞

    • 1. 薄霧
    • 2. 噴霧

    vt 及物動詞

    • 1. 對…噴霧

    vi 不及物動詞

    • 1. 模糊不清


  2. thin fog produced by very small drops of water collecting in the air just above an area of ground or water. 薄霧. The mountain villages seem to be permanently shrouded in mist. 山村好像永遠籠罩在薄霧之中。. The early-morning mist soon lifted / cleared. 清晨的薄霧很快就散了。.

  3. thin fog produced by very small drops of water collecting in the air just above an area of ground or water. 薄雾. The mountain villages seem to be permanently shrouded in mist. 山村好像永远笼罩在薄雾之中。. The early-morning mist soon lifted / cleared. 清晨的薄雾很快就散了。.

  4. fog, mist, smog 这些名词都可表示"雾"之意。fog : 指较浓的雾。mist : 指轻雾,气象学上称作霭。smog : 指工业区的烟和雾相混而造成的又黑又浓的烟雾。

  5. 名詞. 1. 薄霧,靄 [C] [U] The hills were hidden in the mist. 群山消失在霧中。. 2. 霧狀物;水氣;噴霧 [C] [U] A mist of perfume issued from the atomizer. 一陣香水的輕霧從霧化器中噴射出來。. 3. (眼淚等造成的)朦朧;(玻璃等的)模糊不清 [C] [U] She did not...

  6. a thin layer of liquid on the surface of something that makes it difficult to see: UK There's always a mist on the bathroom mirror / windows when I've had a shower. Through a mist of tears, I watched his train pull out of the station. AlxeyPnferov/iStock/Getty Images Plus/Getty Images /GettyImages. 减少例句.

  7. 英漢例句. ' he inquired, turning to take a last glance into the valley, whence a light mist mounted and formed a fleecy cloud on the skirts of the blue. 他問,同時轉過頭向山谷中望了最后一眼,從那里有一片輕霧升起,在藍色天空的邊緣上形成了一朵白云。.

  8. 『欧路词典』为您提供mist的用法讲解,告诉您准确全面的mist的中文意思,mist的读音,mist的同义词,mist的反义词,mist的例句。

  9. 中文 [ 編輯] 薄霧 [環境] 懸浮在空氣中,且會降低能見度的細小的水滴。. 通常霧在晚上形成,此時由於天空是清朗的,所以溫度下降。. 如果能見度降到1000公尺以下時,薄霧便成為霧。. (來源: PHC)

  10. 例句與用法. She saw his face through a mist of tears . 她淚眼朦朧地望著他的臉。. I seemed to be wrapped in a kind of mist . 我好象被一種迷霧籠罩住了。. He could see three people through the mist . 他透過霧能看見三個人。. The stars were shining beyond the mist . 星星正隔著夜霧在那里眨眼。.

  11. mist n 1: a thin fog with condensation near the ground v 1: become covered with mist; "The windshield misted over" [syn: {mist}, {mist over}] 2: make less visible or unclear; "The stars are obscured by the clouds"; "the big elm tree obscures our view of

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