雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Montbell is the brainchild of Isamu Tatsuno, who is the founder and CEO of the largest outdoor clothing and equipment manufacturer and retailer in Japan and Asia. Tatsuno has been an avid outdoor enthusiast, skiing, paddling, and climbing mountains all around the world for most of his life.

  2. 如果你是一個熱愛戶外活動的人,你一定會喜歡mont-bell的產品。在這個網頁上,你可以找到各種類型的戶外用品,包括羽絨外套、保暖衣、防水外套、滑雪、睡袋、行山鞋、防曬衣、登山、露營、遠足、天蠶衣等等。你可以按照不同的分類或搜尋關鍵字來選擇你想要的產品,並且可以查看詳細的產品 ...

  3. 四十多年來,mont-bell在野外用品界中立下了不少創舉,包括最輕之GORE-TEX®外套、彈性夾綿式睡袋、無縫封筒式羽絨外套及最新之超輕羽絨外套等等。. 每一項發明,均是走在世界最前,領導著世界野外用品及服裝之發展。. 直至今日,mont-bell已是全日本最大 ...

  4. Barrier free. Emergency. Montbell is the brainchild of Isamu Tatsuno, who is the founder and CEO of the largest outdoor clothing and equipment manufacturer and retailer in Japan and Asia. Tatsuno has been an avid outdoor enthusiast, skiing, paddling, and climbing mountains all around the world for most of his life.

  5. Since 1975 Montbell has been creating high quality. Lightweight outdoor clothing and equipments for any activity.

  6. 直至今日,mont-bell已是全日本最大,以至全球數一數二之野外服裝及裝備生產商。 柔軟材料~舒適之根源. 一件衣物舒適與否,最主要之因素來自布料之柔軟度。 因此,mont-bell衣物所選用之布料,全部均是極度柔軟,務求對穿著者不會構成任何拘束。 此外,mont-bell之布料亦是特別通爽,使舒適程度更進一步提升。 輕,就是最好. 從一開始,mont-bell便已致力開發最輕之野外服裝及裝備。 輕量化之裝備,除了在旅程中更能節省使用者之體力外,輕柔之材料令服裝更舒適及更通爽。 mont-bell所開發之輕量化裝備,在世界市場上大受好評,亦同時帶動了野外用品輕量化之世界大趨勢。 精細立體剪裁~更無拘無束. mont-bell明白到要在山野中活動自如,衣服不能對身體有任何拘束。

  7. モンベルは「function is beauty」と「Light&Fast」をコンセプトに、登山用品をはじめさまざまなアウトドア用品の商品開発を行っています。. 全国のモンベルストアやオンラインショップでのアウトドアウエア&ギア販売のほか、アウトドアイベントの企画運営 ...

  8. Brand mont-bell. Weight 354g. The Light Alpine Down series is a winter all-rounder, offering an excellent warmth-to-weight ratio and compressibility. As a well-insulated, reliable jacket, it will serve you greatly for both casual use and serious outdoor adventure.

  9. www.sincereonlinestore.com › categories › montbellMontbell - 香港先施網店


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