雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Known for premium denim mixed with a collection of affordable everyday essentials, moussy provides style and quality at a one-stop shop. Moussy crosses gender norms by approaching women's fashion with a traditionally men's style, while pa...

  2. Shop the Largest Selection of MOUSSY VINTAGE Jeans. Discover Exclusive Styles, New Arrivals, Best Sellers, and more.

  3. MOUSSY HK. 44,057 likes. Clothing (Brand)

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  4. 2022年4月27日 · MOUSSY日本EC-store 「SHEL’TTER WEBSTORE 」開始面向港澳台地區客人提供線上購買服務了! 請點擊以下網站: https://ec-store.net 同時,香港MOUSSY線下零售店舖和WhatsApp 購物服務已經暫停,感謝您一直以來對 MOUSSY...

  5. 地址? 3w. 【新店開幕 MOUSSY 香港首間直營店】 日本流行時尚品牌 MOUSSY 現已登陸 Hysan Place! MOUSSY 係日本時尚女裝嘅領軍品牌,致力於打造:追求自我,充滿自信,獨立且具有魅力嘅新女性形象。 新年就到,即刻同朋友一齊朝聖,買返條屬於自己嘅王牌牛仔褲啦! MOUSSY @...

  6. Founded in 2000, moussy is a premium japanese denim brand headquartered in tokyo. Known for premium denim mixed with a collection of affordable everyday essentials, moussy provides style and quality at a one-stop shop.

  7. 周日-週四:10:00-22:00 週五、週六及節假日:10:00-22:30. 查看商舖位置. Sly和moussy同屬於日本BAROQUE株式會社,為姊妹品牌。. Moussy是BAROQUE創立的第一個品牌,MOUSSY專為追求個性風格、自我生活態度,獨立而且有影響力的時代女性而設計。. 品牌以設計簡單獨特卻型格 ...