雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. myGALLERYbb 提供多種套餐,讓您與寶寶、家人一起拍出美麗回憶。專業影樓,優質服務,快來預約吧!

  2. You can manage settings to customize your baby's face by choosing a skin tone, or let the algorithm automatically detect and match it with your faces. As for the gender, you can pick a boy or a girl, or simply let us surprise you with a created baby!

  3. 有無人係My BabyFace Studio影相,好唔好和比D意見,Tkx!! ,Baby Kingdom - 親子王國 香港 討論區 原文章由 smilebaboo 於 08-3-27 16:19 發表 我今日影完, 佢地地方真係好細, 但係都算設備好好..d 相影得好靚, 我因為同埋囝囝一齊影, 咁用唔到個最平既pkg, 埋單要$15xx, 但係好滿意, total 攞番80張相(4r), 仲有12r x1, 5rx2, 2r x 4 ...

  4. My BabyFace --- 離晒大譜. BB九個月大今日去My BabyFace 影相,本來諗住可以影到靚相,因一路在BK好多媽咪都話影得好,所以同bb由中環搭的士去尖沙咀,諗住爭取時間影多d相,唔想佢浪費時間搭車,然後影無幾耐就眼訓,要再約時間再影。. 點知去到,開頭十幾 ...

  5. 2007年8月23日 · BB九個月大,今日去My BabyFace 影相本來諗住可以影到靚相,因一路在BK好多媽咪都話影得好,所以同bb由中環搭的士去尖沙咀,諗住爭取時間影多d相,唔想佢浪費時間搭車, ...

  6. Professional family studio.

  7. 2024年4月8日 · If you have a “babyface,” you're probably used to being told you look younger than your age. The typical babyface characteristics—rounder cheeks and a bit more facial fat—tend to make people appear more youthful. There is absolutely nothing wrong with having a babyface, and you don’t need to take any action to change things!

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