雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Planning Against Noise Prevention is the best cure as far as noise is concerned. If homes are not built next to busy roads, then fewer people will be affected by noise. The Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines have addressed noise since 1985 and

  2. There are two sets of noise criteria or Basic Noise Levels, in dB(A), abbreviated as BNLs: BNLs contained in the Technical Memorandum on Noise from Construction Work in Designated Areas

  3. 其他人也問了

  4. Guidelines & References. References. A Concise Guide to the Noise Control Ordinance. Technical Memoranda Issued under the Noise Control Ordinance (Cap. 400) [Consolidated Version] (Right click to download file) Code of Practice on Good Management Practice to Prevent Violation of the Noise Control Ordinance (Chapter 400) (for Construction Industry)

  5. 2.1 There are three action levels defined in the Regulation:-(a) First Action Level - a daily personal noise exposure (LEP, d) of 85 dB(A) (b) Second Action Level - a daily personal noise exposure (L EP, d) of 90 dB(A) (c) Peak Action Level - a peak sound pressure

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  6. Where the Authority refuses to issue a construction noise permit, the Authority shall serve written notice of that decision on the applicant and shall adequately state in the notice the reasons for such refusal. No fee paid in respect of an application for a construction noise permit shall be liable to be refunded.

  7. The applicant is advised to read the Noise Control Ordinance, the Noise Control (General) Regulations and the Technical Memorandum on Noise from Percussive Piling before submitting this application. The Authority shall be guided by the Technical Memorandum in considering an application.

  8. Like other large cities in the world, Hong Kong has its share of noise problems. Here you can learn about why noise is a problem, how it is produced by construction, traffic, aircraft and other sources, and the ways in which the Government keeps it under control.