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    • 1. 代表, 為了...的利益 I am writing on behalf of my mother to express her thanks for your gift. 我代表母親寫信表達她對你的禮物的感謝。

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  2. 答:on behalf of 與in behalf of 都作“代表”、“代表⋯ ⋯ 的利益”、“為⋯ ⋯的利益”解。 但是後者為美式英語。 I am writing on behalf of my mother, to express her thanks for your gift. 我代表我母親給您寫信, 以表達她對您送禮物的感激之情。 The president can ’t be here today, so I’m going to speak on his behalf. 今天校長不能來了, 所以我要代表他發言。 A carnival was planned in behalf of the church. 狂歡活動是以教會的名義計畫的。 小練習:請選出錯誤的地方,並予改正。

  3. On behalf of the entire company, I would like to thank you for all your work.我代表全公司對你的工作表示感謝。 Unfortunately, George cannot be with us today so I am pleased to accept this award on his behalf.可惜喬治今天不能出席,因此我很榮幸能替他代領這個獎。 She wasn't able to be present, so I signed the letter in her behalf.她不能前來,所以我替她在信上署名。 for the good of or because of. 因為,為了…的利益.

  4. 美 [ɑːn bɪˈhæf əv] 释义. 代表. 实用场景例句. 全部. 代表… What if we became known for approaching heaven on behalf of outcasts and disagreeable people? 如果我们忠心地为这群遭人鄙视、唾弃的人代祷,又将 如何 ? 期刊摘选. On behalf of the SIS, I welcome all of you to our school. 我谨代表国育学院真诚欢迎海内外莘莘学子! 期刊摘选. He accepted the invitation on behalf of the whole class. 他代表全班接受邀请. 期刊摘选.

  5. ON BEHALF OF SOMEONE的意思、解釋及翻譯:done for another person’s benefit or support, or because you are representing the interests of that…。了解更多。

  6. ON BEHALF OF SOMEONE的意思、解释及翻译:done for another person’s benefit or support, or because you are representing the interests of that…。了解更多。

  7. 1. 代表, 為了...的利益 I am writing on behalf of my mother to express her thanks for your gift. 我代表母親寫信表達她對你的禮物的感謝。. The chairman signed the document on behalf of the company. 董事長代表公司簽署了這份文件。. 同義詞....

  8. 中文: 代表. 同义词: in the interest of, for the benefit of, speaking for, as a representative of, 更多…… 标题中含有单词 'on behalf of' 的论坛讨论: 未在Chinese论坛中找到有关“on behalf of”的讨论. a crusade waged on behalf of the Jews - English Only forum. active thought on behalf of students - English Only forum. allows for performativity on behalf of the viewer - English Only forum

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