雅虎香港 搜尋


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  2. 《保護臭氧層條例》 ( 第403 章) Ozone Layer Protection Ordinance. (Cap. 403) 版本日期. Version date. 1.7.2022. 經核證文本. Verified Copy. 《法例發布條例》( ( 第614 章) 第5 條) (Legislation Publication Ordinance (Cap. 614), section 5) 如某內頁的頁底標明: .“經核證文本”;及.以下列表顯示的該頁的最後更新日期,該頁所載條文即視作於上述“版本日期”的正確版本。

  3. 主頁 搜尋 索引 章號索引 中文標題索引(按中文筆劃數目排列) 英文標題索引(按英文字母排列) 條例中文主題索引 條例英文主題索引 條例年表 憲報 編輯修訂紀錄 有用資料 其他刊物 香港法例的草擬和制定 《香港法律草擬文體及實務指引》

  4. The Amendment Regulation extends the banning of the import of controlled products (including refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment, aerosol products such as metered dosed inhalers, insulation panel and pre-polymer) containing chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and halons to those containing other scheduled substances including hydrochlorofluoroca...

  5. The Ordinance prohibits the manufacturing of substances that deplete the ozone layer and imposes controls on the import and export of these substances through registration and licensing provisions. The following nine categories of ozone depleting substances are subject to control:

  6. The ozone molecules form a protective layer which extends from about 16 km to 50 km up above the earth at low latitudes, and from about 8 km to 50 km at high latitudes. The ozone molecules absorb the sun's ultra violet radiation (UV) which will be harmful to us if it reaches the earth surface.

  7. Hong Kong enacted the Ozone Layer Protection Ordinance (Cap. 403, Laws of Hong Kong) in 1989 to restrict the manufacture, export and import of ozone depleting chemicals. This is achieved through licensing and the registration of related commercial activities.

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