Plurk can be styled with CSS. This basically means that any element on a Plurk profile can be customized. Colors can be changed, background can be altered etc.
2009年1月5日 · 在Plurk噗浪中我們可以使用CSS控制碼來控制自己的Plurk首頁的樣式、背景圖與各種網頁呈現的細節,不管是文字大小、文字顏色、滑鼠指標圖案或者各種特殊設計...等等,都可很自由的透過CSS控制碼來裝修、呈現。
2008年11月9日 · Plurk除了聊天之外,支援自行修改CSS來改變整站佈景主題的功能也是個很有趣的特色,一般使用者都可以在登入Plurk後,直接按左上角的 〔編輯〕→〔自訂外觀〕,來修改「個人頁面」的CSS樣式,,. 透過這些CSS控制碼幫我們的個人頁面改頭換面。. 另外也可以 ...
2009年1月30日 · 100個令人驚艷的Plurk (噗浪)佈景主題 (themes)!. 以下是I.P. zone為全世界廣大的噗友所精選的100個令人驚艷的Plurk佈景主題喔!. 若有還不知道什麼是Plurk﹝噗浪﹞的朋友,可以參考這篇「Plurk 簡介和基礎教學─你今天噗浪了嗎?. 」另外附上I.P. zoner 的 Plurk﹝歡迎 ...
- Overview
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- Side note
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A theme that captures concepts of Material Design, made for my Plurk.
Originally I used a gist to manage the CSS. It had grown too big so I could hardly maintain afterwards. I decided to port it to SCSS as a practice.
You should have gulp installed globally.
Just clone the repo, yarn, and gulp build. Then paste the content of the built CSS file dist/plurk-css.css into the textarea of the theme customization page of Plurk. You can use alternative tools to compile it and do text substitutions yourself afterwards.
In some source files you can see a small piece of comment describing the HTML structure we are going to apply CSS on. That's because Plurk has no documentation on theming, and the site changes frequently. All I can do is try to inspect the DOM tree and write down the blueprint as reference. You are encouraged to read them when writing your own theme.
Sometimes the written selectors are not strong enough to override the "default" theme. There are two solutions: One is to introduce more classes/IDs, but resulting some long and rather meaningless selectors. The other is to use !important, which is a well-known anti-pattern when abused. I know that I should stick to a consistent rule, but it is too hard for a theme when the HTML part is not controlled by myself.
I am sorry, but this repo does not maintain snapshots of pre-built CSS files. If you want to use it, try to learn to build it.
2019年2月21日 · 在瀏覽浪上的噗的時候,依據每個人偏好和習慣的不同,我們會希望噗的文字像部落格一樣能夠自訂字型和字距行距,讓我們閱讀和瀏覽噗的體驗更愉快。 這是原本噗浪預設的浪上噗的樣子: 很簡潔緊湊,而展開後的列表內容字比浪上的噗要小一些。 希望字體能夠大一點,符合自己習慣的常用字型的話,可以加上以下語法來達成: /*浪上噗字型*/ . #timeline_holder .plurk_cnt, ....
除了河道顯示訊息的特別方式以外,噗浪還提供使用者使用自製CSS來展現個人河道特色。 2011年9月,當時我設計了一個清爽的噗浪佈景主題「 Plurk 噗浪佈景,大河道爽快體驗!