雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 綜合眼科視光檢查包括: Visual acuity and refractive status; 視力及屈光檢查; Visual functions (binocular vision, color vision, pupil responses, eye movement, etc.); and. 視覺功能檢查(如雙眼協調、顏色視覺、瞳孔反應、眼球轉動等);及. Ocular health (intraocular pressure, anterior and posterior eye); 眼睛健康檢查(眼內壓、眼睛外部及內部健康檢查)。 Make appointment now. 立即預約. Cancel appointment. 取消預約.

  2. The Optometry Clinic at PolyU. Regarded as the leading optometry teaching clinic in Asia, the clinic includes a children clinic, an advanced contact lens clinic, a myopia prevention and control centre and a vision rehabilitation clinic for people with low vision.

  3. 理大眼科視光學診所. 香港理工大學眼科視光學診所被譽為亞洲設備最完善的眼科視光診所,診所設有兒童診所、先進隱形眼鏡診所、近視防控中心和專為弱視人士而設的視力康復診所,為高年級本科生提供臨床培訓機會,並支援臨床視覺及眼科研究,同時為 ...

  4. The PolyU Optometry Clinic Web Booking System (https://ocwb.polyu.edu.hk/) is for booking "Comprehensive Eye Examination" provided by a registered optometrist; or a student optometrist under supervision of a registered optometrist.

  5. As the children eye examination (for aged 6 or below) provided by the student optometrist has designated appointment time, please input the date of birth of the service user for displaying the appropriate slots.

  6. 2024年8月16日 · PolyVision Brings You Good Vision and Healthy Eyes 看得清楚嗎﹖‧為什麼您應該定期接受「全面眼科視光檢查」?‧了解您的眼睛‧一站式優質護眼服務‧好好保護眼睛‧常見症狀Check一Check‧黃斑病變阿姆斯勒斯勒柵格檢查

  7. The Centre provides comprehensive eye care services to patients, including assessment of vision, measurement of refractive error, assessment of coordination between the two eyes, evaluation of ocular health, diagnosis and management of visual conditions

  1. poly university eye clinic 相關

  2. 在長者身上常見的眼疾,有白內障、青光眼、黃斑病變、糖尿眼等. 全面眼睛檢查 長者醫療券 眼科中心