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  1. First, we explain what a quotation email is and the differences between estimates. Then we share some expert insights on how to write perfect professional quote emails, including a request for quotation email and how to follow up with a revised quotation.

  2. 2022年3月29日 · When you need to request a quote from a supplier, you should include in your email: • your company name (if it’s not in your signature); • the products you need; • the quantity; • ETA or Estimated Time of Arrival; • transport expenses (if necessary); • a contact person who should be in charge if more information is needed (if necessary);

  3. 2021年2月19日 · 一般來說,我們會發電郵予對方,直接詢問某產品型號的價格,然而,當有客製化需要的時候,我們便需向對方提出有關要求,務求得到估算後的報價。 既然詢價電郵是其中一類我們較常需要撰寫的電郵,那麼,我們確實理應好好學習如何駕馭這類電郵的撰寫方式,好讓自己工作得更輕鬆自如。 今次,筆者為你準備了詢價常用的例句和範文,讓你能更輕鬆的學會如何寫一封有效而且得體的詢價電郵。 本文出現的例句極為實用,定能讓你在職場上工作得更加得心應手。 一、Subject line: Inquiry about ___(產品/型號名稱)___ Request for Quotation concerning the ___(e.g. XXX Project)___ 二、電郵上款:

  4. 2024年4月8日 · Learn how to write an email asking for a quote, including tips for writing a quote request email and a detailed template and example to guide you.

  5. 2023年12月23日 · A quotation request is an email sent to a manufacturer, a distributor, an individual or an organization in charge of delivering goods or services. Request a quotation email is a request for a price quote for services or products.

  6. 2024年6月18日 · For your reference, this article provides 7 quotation email samples and a step-by-step guide to help you craft a captivating quotation mail format. You will be able to create a professional and effective quotation letter, which enables you and other companies to establish a business connection quickly.

  7. You asked for a quote on the electronic components listed in your 21st June email. I've put together the attached quote for your review. 你在6/21的email中問到了電子零件的報價,我一併放到附檔提供你參考。 I've also attached our most recent catalog to give