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  1. A Price Quotation Request Letter is a letter written by a consumer to request a price quote for products or services. When you need a product or a service, a good way to compare prices from several companies is to write price quotation request letters to them asking for quotes.

  2. 2021年2月19日 · 一般來說,我們會發電郵予對方,直接詢問某產品型號的價格,然而,當有客製化需要的時候,我們便需向對方提出有關要求,務求得到估算後的報價。 既然詢價電郵是其中一類我們較常需要撰寫的電郵,那麼,我們確實理應好好學習如何駕馭這類電郵的撰寫方式,好讓自己工作得更輕鬆自如。 今次,筆者為你準備了詢價常用的例句和範文,讓你能更輕鬆的學會如何寫一封有效而且得體的詢價電郵。 本文出現的例句極為實用,定能讓你在職場上工作得更加得心應手。 一、Subject line: Inquiry about ___(產品/型號名稱)___ Request for Quotation concerning the ___(e.g. XXX Project)___ 二、電郵上款:

  3. 2023年11月24日 · A request for quotation (RFQ) letter is a formal document sent to potential suppliers or service providers, soliciting price quotes for specific goods or services. This article provides 21 sample letters, each designed for different business scenarios, ranging from office supplies to specialized equipment and services.

  4. How to write a quotation email. If you're writing a quote email to a supplier, vendor, or partner, here are 8 tips you should always follow. Make it clear you want a price (or make the price clear) – hit them up with a request for a price first, as this is what most people care about.

  5. A Quote Request Letter is a formal document sent by an individual or organization to a supplier or service provider, asking for a detailed price quotation for specific products or services. It's typically used when one wants to evaluate the cost and details of potential purchases or services, often before making a final decision or entering ...

  6. 2022年3月29日 · 9 Sample Emails Requesting Quotation. Asking for a quote seems simple, but there are some subtleties you need to use to use to get the best offer in the shortest time. In this post, we’ll give tips on what you should include in your email requesting a quotation, and a few email samples.

  7. 2024年6月18日 · Quote request emails closing. At the end of a quotation letter, provide your contact details, including your name, position, company name, email address, and phone number for the recipient to easily reach out. It is also important to add a polite closing remark to appreciate the recipient's cooperation in advance.