雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. aHome - Raimondi College Primary Section 高主教書院小學部. To no man rendering evil for evil. Providing good things, not only in the sight of God, but also in the sight of all men. If it be possible, as much as is in you, have peace with all men. (Romans 12:17-18) 對人不可以惡報惡,對眾人要勉勵行善;如若可能,應 ...

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      Our school is well equipped with air-conditioned ...

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      [22-23] Hong Kong Island East Area Inter-Primary ...

    • Curriculum

      (852) 2522 1826 rcps@raimondi.edu.hk About Us About the ...

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      (852) 2522 1826 rcps@raimondi.edu.hk About Us About the ...

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      Raimondi College Primary Section Parent-Teacher ...

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      高主教書院中小學部家長教師會 「關係修理員」- 為家添一點 ...

    • School Uniform

      Guidelines for School Uniform 校服指引 All students are ...

    • Bus Services

      校車承辦商 建和旅運有限公司 Kin Woo Transportation ...

  2. Our college shares the universal mission of Catholic Schools in the education of the whole person. Consistent with the school motto “In Constantia Fortitudo”, we shall guide our students to persevere in their quest for knowledge, help them to build their character, develop their potential and their sense of commitment toward the community ...

  3. Admission - Raimondi College Primary Section 高主教書院小學部. 2025-2026 P.1 Admission. Application for Primary One Admission 2025-2026. Application for Briefing Session on Primary One Admission. 申請二至五年級插班事宜 (2023-2024年度) 申請須知及表格下載:. 2024-2025插班事宜 (PDF) Application Form (PDF)

  4. 高主教書院小學部 Raimondi College Primary Section 辦學宗旨秉承天主教學校的教育使命「全人教育」作為辦學宗旨,本著「堅毅力行」的校訓,引領學生追求知識、培養積極的學習態度及發展潛能,從而對社會作出貢獻。

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    • raimondi college primary school5
  5. 2024年9月2日 · The Raimondi College Primary Section Parent-Teacher Association (RCPSPTA),established in 2014, aims to strengthen the parent-teacher relationship, advancing student welfare and facilitating effective communication between family and school.

    • Ms. Lam Ngan Yin
    • Ms. Lo Wing Kum
    • PrivateWhole Day
  6. 2023年9月1日 · The Raimondi College Primary Section Parent-Teacher Association (RCPSPTA) was established in 2014. The RCPSPTA aims to strengthen the relationship between teachers and parents, assist in advancing student welfare and facilitate effective communication between family and school education.

  7. 高主教書院小學部(Raimondi College Primary Section) 是位於 灣仔區 的一間 私立全日 小學,學校面積約 8118平方米屬於男女校,該校辦學宗旨是「秉承天主教學校的教育使命,以「全人教育」作為辦學宗旨,本著「堅毅力行」的校訓,引領學生追求知識、培養積極的學習態度及發展潛能,從而對社會作出貢獻。 希望師生透過學與教及校園生活,認識福音及天父的慈愛。 」。 高主教書院小學部校風淳樸,訓輔合一。 學校注重培養學生的品德,教導學生尊師重道,建立關愛文化,發揮堅毅的精神。 學校背景. 高主教書院小學部 創立於1958年,學校的宗教背景是天主教,辦學團體為天主教香港教區,校長是 林銀燕女士, 校監盧詠琴女士。 該校校訓是: 堅毅力行. 中學聯繫.

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