雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 65 Kumanoyu Fourth Pair Closed. 68 Yokoteyama First Sky B Line Closed. 69 Yokoteyama Second Sky Closed. 70 Yokoteyama Third Sky Closed. 71 Yokoteyama Fourth Pair Closed. 72 Yokoteyama Fifth Closed. 73 Yokoteyama Sixth Closed. 74 Shibutoge First Romance Lift Closed. 01.

  2. 志賀高原の魅力を伝えるファンメディアサイト. 一覧へ. グリーンシーズン. 気分爽快! 国道最高地点を通過する絶景ドライブルートのご紹介. 2024.06.26. グリーンシーズン. 志賀高原での環境整備と自然保護の取り組みをご紹介. 2024.06.04. グリーンシーズン. 〜日本国道最高地点を歩こう〜志賀草津高原ルート・雪の回廊ウォーキング体験レポート. 2024.05.11. イベント情報. 一覧へ. インフォメーション.

  3. 18 ski resort. Feature Point. An elevation of around 2000 meters class. You can have great skiing experience on powder snow! Feature Point. The clean air of the highlands, panoramic view. Discover the attractions of. snow activity areas in. the vast Shiga Kogen. Shiga Kogen Area List. Please check if you are coming to Shiga Kogen!

  4. The Shiga Kogen Ski Area (志賀高原, Shiga Kōgen) is a group of 18 ski resorts that have joined together to create the largest combined ski area in Japan. Shiga Kogen is so large that it would take at least two days to cover it all, yet a single lift ticket gives you access to all 48 lifts, gondolas and ropeways in the area.

  5. 2023年12月23日 · 志賀高原滑雪場 是日本最大的滑雪區域,面積是東京迪士尼樂園的10倍大。 集結了18個滑雪場、51座纜車,雪季從11月中旬持續到隔年5月。 如此複雜的資訊,讓很多朋友在規劃 志賀高原滑雪行程 時卡關,不知從何下手。 娜塔蝦前後去了志賀高原5、6次,18個滑雪場跑過一輪,讓我詳細介紹吧。 內容目錄. 志賀高原小檔案. 志賀高原 交通詳解. ︎東京成田、羽田機場進出: ︎北陸富山機場進出: 志賀高原 住宿推薦. 志賀高原 必去景點、滑道. ⛄ 燒額山滑雪場. ⛄ 一之瀨滑雪場. ⛄ 寺小屋滑雪場. ⛄ 東館山滑雪場. ⛄ 橫手山滑雪場 樹冰、山頂展望台. ⛄ Sun Valley 滑雪場. 志賀高原 午餐人氣美食. 起司火鍋 (東館山滑雪場) 一之瀨大食堂 Hi HAPPY.

  6. The Shiga Kogen Mountain Resort in Nagano Japan is a good all-rounder as a ski holiday destination. It first gained international notoriety when it hosted various events at the 1998 Nagano Winter Olympics, including the women’s downhill, slalom, super G and snowboarding events.

  7. Shiga Kogen is located in the town of Yamanouchi in the Joshinetsu National Park in the Nagano Prefecture – about 50km northeast of Nagano City and 250km northwest of Tokyo. The town of Yudanaka (and the adjacent Shibu Onsen) sits at the base of the mountain, with a 14km windy road that leads up to Sun Valley, the first of the Shiga ski areas.

  8. Shiga Kogen is the highest ski area in the country. Its 18 resorts, nearly 50 lifts, and over 80 kilometers of trails place it among Japan's largest snow sports hot spots. Trails weave between the resorts throughout the area, and a single lift pass covers them all.

  9. 志賀高原海拔超過 1,000 公尺,是長野北部上信越高原國立公園的一部分。 該地區是日本的頂級滑雪勝地,擁有 18 間滑雪度假村,總共 84 座滑雪場,其中最長的滑道長達 5,000 公尺。 有巴士往返各度假村之間,您可以搭乘巴士穿梭其中。 也可使用滑雪升降機(不包括夜間票)暢遊群山。 在志賀高原一整天,不僅能享受雙板與單板滑雪,還可在度假村中盡享雪中樂趣。 志賀高原的雪季很長,因為該地區的海拔較高,氣溫較低,意味著有機會直到五月初都還能待在滑雪坡道上。 和日本其他的雪地一樣,那裡的溫泉也很有名,總共有 8 座溫泉設施,您可在具有療效的溫泉中泡湯。 地獄谷野猿公苑位於志賀高原山腳下,以猴子公園最有名,能欣賞到野生的猴子從樹上爬下來,沐浴在熱水中。

  10. Shiga Kogen has natural powder snow and one of the largest slopes in Japan. The topography of the area offers a rich variety of courses that can be enjoyed by beginners and experts. Thanks to the abundant snow cover, the slopes can be open until May every year. Here are some figures and keywords that reveal the attractions of Shiga Kogen.

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