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    • 1. 病假 to be on sick leave 在休病假
  2. 僱員在甚麼情況下可享有疾病津貼? 問 2. 如何累積有薪病假日? 問 3. 如何計算疾病津貼? 應該何時發放疾病津貼? 問 4. 僱主可否解僱正在放取有薪病假的僱員? 問答全文 問 1.

  3. the sick leave taken is not less than four consecutive days (unless for any day off taken by a female employee for her pregnancy check-ups, post confinement medical treatment or miscarriage, any such day on which she is absent shall be counted as a

  4. the sick leave taken is not less than four consecutive days (unless for any day off taken by a female employee for her pregnancy check-ups, post confinement medical treatment or miscarriage, any such day on which she is absent shall be

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  5. 現行的《僱傭條例》中,只有不少於連續4天(除懷孕僱員因產前檢查、產後治療或流產而缺勤,在這些情況下,如符合下述的規定,每一天病假均可享有疾病津貼)、能夠出示適合的醫生紙、已累積足夠的有薪病假才是目前唯一能保證的有薪病假日。 不過今時今日﹐大部份公司還是基於人道立場會給予員工一至兩天的有薪病假。 正確請假Email/訊息寫法大全. 請病假唔係打個WhatsApp咁簡單. 「病假也可以累積嗎? 如何累積有薪病假日? 那我現在有多少天有薪病假日? 在《僱傭條例》中列明,僱員在受僱的首年內每工作滿1個月,便可累積2天有薪病假;之後每工作滿1個月可累積4天。 有薪病假可在整個受僱期間持續累積,但在任何時間不得超過120天。 打工仔可以根據自己與公司之間所簽訂的合約,計算自己已累積的有薪病假。

  6. SICK LEAVE Employees can accumulate paid sickness days after having been employed under continuous contracts . Paid sickness days are accumulated at the rate of 2 paid sickness days for each completed month of employment during the first 12 months of employment, and four paid sickness days for each completed month of employment thereafter.

  7. In general, employees are entitled to sickness allowance if: the sick leave taken is not less than four consecutive days (unless for any day off taken by a female employee for pregnancy check-ups, post confinement medical treatment or miscarriage); the sick

  1. sick leave 相關

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