雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. The value of each prize for the 2024/25 academic year is HK$1,000. Eligibility. Candidates for the prizes should: possess Hong Kong Identity Cards; have resided in Hong Kong for at least three years;

  2. 2021年度尤德爵士紀念基金獎. 我要感謝尤德爵士紀念基金頒發這個獎學金給我。 對我而言,這是對我努力的一個肯定,以及追尋未來事業路的動力。 趙汝恒教授. 1990/91年度尤德爵士紀念基金海外研究生獎學金. 身為尤德學者,對於基金所給予的支持,定當時刻銘記,並會堅守回饋社會的承諾。 蕭凱恩小姐. 2017/18年度尤德爵士紀念基金殘疾學生奬學金. 我十分感謝尤德爵士紀念基金認同我在學業所付出的努力。 即使我看不見這個世界,我亦會秉承尤德學者的精神,衝破一切困難,追尋自己的音樂夢想,透過音樂演出,生命教育分享,燃亮別人的生命,貢獻社會,令社會變得更和諧。 海外研究生獎學金/獎學金頒發數目. 截至2024年. 280. 我們一家. 尤德爵士紀念基金.

  3. 得獎名額. 以學校為單位,在 2024/25 學年,每間學校均可以提名兩位正就讀於畢業班級 (即高中三 / 中六或13班) 的學生獲獎,獲提名學生必須符合尤德爵士紀念基金理事會的遴選資格。. 在 2024/25 學年,職業訓練局可提名十二位學生,獲提名學生須在其轄下院校 ...

  4. The scheme offers prizes to encourage senior secondary school students in attaining a high standard of learning abilities and developing leadership qualities. For the 2023/24 academic year, prize winners of HCY are: 6D Lin Meitong, Venus and 6E Yung Pok Yu, Tony. An award of HK$1,000 and a certificate had been awarded to each prize winner.

  5. 2024年3月24日 · Ip Nga Man (S6A) & Li Yin Pui (S6E) are awarded the Sir Edward Youde Memorial Prizes for Outstanding Senior Secondary Students in recognition for their remarkable academic achievements and active involvement in extra-curricular activities.

  6. Sir Edward Youde Memorial Prizes for Senior Secondary School Students is a scheme, which offers prizes to encourage senior secondary school students in attaining a high standard of learning abilities and developing leadership qualities. The school is glad to announce that two of our student leaders, FUNG Yan Hei Anya (6G) and LAU Wai Man […]

  7. The Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fund was established in 1987 to commemorate the former late Governor Sir Edward Youde. The purpose of the Fund is to provide for and encourage the education of, or research by the people of Hong Kong.

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