雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Mission: Our school, founded in the year 1962, is an Anglican Church School that fully embraces the Christian ethos. As a Christian school, Sheng Kung Hui Tang Shiu Kin Secondary School believes in honoring the innate value of every individual created by

  2. 聖公會鄧肇堅中學. SKH Tang Shiu Kin Secondary School. 辦學宗旨學校以基督愛世人之精神為辦學宗旨;以基督教價值培育學生,使其於德、智、體、群、美、靈各方面有均衡之發展,日後成為能獨立思考,富同情心及具責任感之青年。. 校訓「恆心、寬恕、容忍」為 ...

  3. Introduction. What is a language for if not to communicate? What is literature for if not to enrich and accommodate? At TSK we pride ourselves on everyday interaction and nurturing. Our love of this adopted language and culture. Teachers take pains, students toil. For the pleasing performance we deserve.

  4. 本科主要配合整體的教育發展方向,為學生終身學習、生活和日後工作打好穩固的基礎,初中課程與高中課程有緊密的銜接及連貫,以達「六年一貫」的效果。. 包括:協助學生全面及均衡發展聽、說、讀、寫的能力;並提高他們的思維、批判、審美、創造 ...

  5. 聖公會鄧肇堅中學(英語: Sheng Kung Hui Tang Shiu Kin Secondary School ),原名聖公會中學,位於香港 灣仔 愛群道9號,由香港聖公會創辦,成立於1962年,是一所基督教中學。

  6. 聖公會鄧肇堅中學(英語: Sheng Kung Hui Tang Shiu Kin Secondary School ),原名聖公會中學,位於香港 灣仔 愛群道9號,由香港聖公會創辦,成立於1962年,是一所基督教中學。

  7. 2023年5月12日 · S.K.H. Tang Shiu Kin Secondary School. School Mission. Our School is an Anglican Church School that fully embraces the Christian ethos. We honour the innate value of every individual created by God. The school motto is HYPOMONE, the Greek word meaning "perseverance, forgiveness and tolerance", all important Christian virtues.

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