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  1. Social research aims to find social patterns of regularity in social life and usually deals with social groups (aggregates of individuals), not individuals themselves (although science of psychology is an exception here). Research can also be divided into pure research and applied research.

  2. 社會研究 是指由 社會科學 家以有系統方式進行的 研究。 社會研究方法可以分為 定量研究 和 定性研究。 定量研究 指的是採用量化數據,對社會現象進行經驗考察。 這種方法運用統計學分析個案,以達致 有效 及 可信 的廣泛通用的結論。 定性研究 指的是透過直接觀察、與參與者溝通或分析文本,產生關於特定研究個案(而非廣泛通用)的資訊或知識。 定性研究有時強調準確度多於廣泛通用程度。 即使研究方法分為定量和定性,大部份方法蘊含二者元素。 例如,定性研究往往以頗具結構的方式,為原始資料進行編碼,歸納為有系統的資訊,和量化編碼者間信度。 [1] 故此,「定量」和「定性」並非完全切割的概念。

  3. Social Science Research publishes papers devoted to quantitative social science research and methodology. The journal features articles that illustrate the use of quantitative methods to empirically test social science theory.

  4. www.jstor.org › journal › socialresearchSocial Research - JSTOR

    Most issues of Social Research address a single theme, which is addressed by scholars, writers, and experts from a wide range of disciplines. Some of these issues are the proceedings of our conference series; others are guest coedited by scholars who bring their unique expertise to bear on multifaceted explorations of the subjects of their ...

    • Basic Research
    • Applied Research
    • Descriptive Research
    • Exploratory Research
    • Explanatory Research
    • Causal Research
    • Longitudinal Research
    • Comparative Research
    • Classification Research
    • Action Research

    Basic research is also commonly known as pure research. Saunders et al. (2019) describe that basic research is useful because the findings provide significance and value to society. According to Sarantakos (2013), basic research is conducted to discover new concepts and knowledge that improve the scientific understanding of the world. Neuman and Ro...

    Sarantakos (2013) describes that applied social research is mostly conducted with a problem-solving approach for a particular social problem. It aims to investigate existing knowledge and problems rather than to formulate new knowledge or theory. Neuman and Robson (2018) imply that most problems in our society arise from particular causes or factor...

    Descriptive research allows a researcher to study societal systems and the relations among people who live in a society (Sarantakos, 2013). According to Robson (2011), descriptive research is applied to provide an accurate profile rather than evaluate an individual, event, or situation. One example of descriptive research is the Domesday Book which...

    If a researcher is not sure about the exact nature of the problem, then exploratory research can help to clarify or understand that problem (Saunders et al., 2019). Exploratory research is designed to explore a phenomenon, select themes, or identify an instrument that can be subsequently tested (Creswell, 2018). Robson (2011) explains that an explo...

    According to Sarantakos (2013), explanatory research aims to examine and explain social relations or events, problems, or issues in society that need to be elaborated with a cause-effect relationship. This type of social research is similar to descriptive research, but it focuses more on explaining the causal relationship between variables to explo...

    Saunders et al. (2019) explain that causal research is similar to explanatory research because it has a similar intention—to explain the cause and effect relationship between variables. Weller (2015) mentions that while conducting social research, often we need to establish a tentative hypothesis with two or more variables, and it is very important...

    Longitudinal research is conducted to study a social issue at different periods to understand the changes in a particular social event or problem (Neuman & Robson, 2018). Longitudinal research assesses and measures changes and developments in a society, on more than one occasion and over a certain period, such as population trends, or changes in a ...

    Comparative research is conducted to understand the impact of a social event from various perspectives. This type of social research is important to discover similarities or differences between two or more research units, usually by comparing comparable data obtained from two or more study sites. A researcher can identify the impact of a social pro...

    According to Sarantakos (2013), classification research is useful to classify research units into more than one group to explain differences among the research units. Saunders et al. (2019) mention classification may be a part of coding categorical data, and in this case, it has some benefits, such as saving time and identifying core constructs by ...

    Action research was first employed by Lewin in 1948 (Adelman, 1993). Action research is more focused on documenting activities associated with the research problem rather than measurement (Coghlan, 2019; Saunders et al., 2019). Robson (2011) explains that the action research spiral begins within a particular context and has a transparent objective ...

  5. The HKU-Social Sciences Research Centre (SSRC) is a research centre within the Faculty of Social Sciences at The University of Hong Kong that advances methodological research and training within the social sciences.

  6. Social research refers to the systematic and transparent investigation of social phenomena, conducted with the aim of acquiring a deep understanding of human behavior and its cultural and social influences.

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