social research topic hong kong 相關
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位於九龍核心地段,毗鄰匯集購物、消閒和文化藝術的尖沙咀,讓生活節奏時刻緊貼香港的繁華脈搏。 交通便利,鄰近港鐵尖沙咀、紅磡及黃埔站、海底隧道及碼頭,酒店更提供穿梭巴士服務.
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Our MPhil / PhD programme provides you with expert guidance, resources and space in order to help you undertake carefully planned, extensive and original social research into a specific topic of your own choosing.
- Social Sciences Research Centre - The University of Hong Kong
The HKU-Social Sciences Research Centre (SSRC) is a ...
- Social Sciences Research Centre - The University of Hong Kong
The HKU-Social Sciences Research Centre (SSRC) is a research centre within the Faculty of Social Sciences at The University of Hong Kong that advances methodological research and training within the social sciences.
Is Hong Kong a good place to study sociology?
Why are people in Hong Kong so rebellious?
Why are young people fighting the government in Hong Kong?
What is the research theme of Population Studies?
Why should you hire a population consultant in Hong Kong?
Does Hong Kong have a conflict of interest?
Comparative research on happiness inequality among low-income individuals: Examining the socio-psychological risks and opportunities of the poor around the world. Prof Satoshi Araki.
2019年12月24日 · ABSTRACT. Many young people in Hong Kong, supported by a large number of middle-aged citizens, are fighting the government in order to preserve Hong Kong’s liberty and relative autonomy from Beijing. However, the question still is why people in Hong Kong are so rebellious, whilst people in comparable Asian societies are not.
- Heribert Dieter
- 2020
Inequality. This cluster promotes research on the unequal distribution of major social outcomes in a society and its interplay with population dynamics and social changes, with a special emphasis on the Greater China region. Outcomes of focal interest include education and skills, earnings/wealth, status, and power.
2024年10月1日 · Dive into the research topics where Department of Sociology and Social Policy is active. These topic labels come from the works of this organisation's members. Together they form a unique fingerprint.
The research theme of population studies covers a wide range issues relating to population and wellbeing. Our work involves the major components in population dynamic modelling, namely, fertility, mortality, marriage and divorce, poverty, and migration. International comparison has been conducted examining fertility and international migration.