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  1. 2023年11月3日 · Function The spleen is a secondary lymphoid organ. This means that the spleen filters blood and presents foreign particles (antigens) to the lymphocytes it houses. In this way, the spleen stimulates the maturation and activation of lymphocytes. By filtering .

  2. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › SpleenSpleen - Wikipedia

    The word spleen comes from Ancient Greek σπλήν (splḗn). [1] The spleen plays very important roles in regard to red blood cells (erythrocytes) and the immune system. [2] It removes old red blood cells and holds a reserve of blood, which can be valuable in case of hemorrhagic shock, and also recycles iron.

  3. 2021年4月29日 · The spleen is a small organ inside your left rib cage, just above the stomach. It’s part of the lymphatic system (which is part of the immune system). The spleen stores and filters blood and makes white blood cells that protect you from infection. Many diseases and conditions can affect how the spleen works.

  4. 脾臟的主要功能. 脾臟具有造血、儲血及免疫功能。 在胎兒期間,脾臟負責造血,約 5個月大 時,造血功能便漸漸由骨髓所取代。 到了 青春期 及成年後,脾臟扮演著人體免疫系統的重要器官,裡面分布著許多腔室,腔室內又分為紅髓及白髓,紅髓充滿了竇狀孔隙,能讓血液流通並過濾血液,使得健康的血球能夠順利通過,而老舊的紅血球被破壞,最後留下可用的物質 (例如:鐵);白髓則布滿淋巴細胞,發揮重要的免疫功能,全身約有1/4的白血球聚集在此,能幫助對抗造成腦膜炎 (M eningitis )及肺炎 (P neumonia )等特殊細菌。 而脾臟也有儲血功能,儲存著大量血液,包括血小板與白血球,在大量失血時,脾臟能迅速供給血液。

  5. 2021年12月13日 · What does it do? Location. Causes of spleen pain. Spleen tests. Spleen treatment. Can you live without a spleen? Outlook. The spleen filters your blood and also stores your red blood...

  6. 2005年8月1日 · Abstract. The spleen combines the innate and adaptive immune system in a uniquely organized way. The structure of the spleen enables it to remove older erythrocytes from the circulation and...

  7. 2023年2月14日 · It is the largest organ of the lymphatic system — the circulatory component of the immune system. It recycles iron, destroys old red blood cells, and stores white blood cells and platelets, the ...

  8. 2022年6月16日 · Function. As part of the lymphatic system, the spleen serves multiple major and inter-related functions involving the body’s blood supply. It plays an important role in immune function and in recycling RBCs. Red pulp: This part of the organ filters blood, removing foreign bodies, microbes, and faulty RBCs.

  9. 2024年4月16日 · The spleen is an organ located in the upper left abdomen, and is roughly the size of a clenched fist. In the adult, the spleen functions mainly as a blood filter, removing old red blood cells. It also plays a role in both cell-mediated and humoral immune responses.

  10. The spleen, a spongy, soft organ about as big as a person’s fist, is located in the upper left part of the abdomen, just under the rib cage. The splenic artery brings blood to the spleen from the heart. Blood leaves the spleen through the splenic vein, which drains into a larger vein (the portal vein) that carries the blood to the liver.

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