A St Paul’s education is rich in possibility and opportunity. From access to an incredible range of visiting speakers to an extensive careers and higher education programme, an education at St Paul’s is an extraordinary preparation for life.
Entry at 11. While all our students share a love of learning and a keen academic curiosity, there is no typical Paulina. Every year, students join us from a range of primary and prep schools. Each student will have their own interests and talents, and all are supported and encouraged to reach their full potential.
Fees. The school fee per term for the academic year 2024-2025 is £10,531 (excluding VAT). For new entrants to the Senior School (Year 12) the fee per term is £11,322 (excluding VAT). The school fee includes lunch and personal accident insurance.
Trips and visits. An accessible programme of trips and visits offers students the opportunity to enjoy a range of new experiences through visits to lectures, plays, workshops, galleries, museums and cultural sites, both in the UK and abroad.
St Paul’s Girls’ School Brook Green Hammersmith London W6 7BS Telephone 020 7603 2288 Email frontoffice@spgs.org
Results and destinations. While academic achievement is only one facet of St Paul’s life, we are nevertheless extremely proud of our students’ exam results and university destinations. They are indicators of the intellectual freedom and discovery that characterise the academic environment and which aid transition to university study.
The members of the English department at St Paul’s Girls’ School form a diverse group but we share a profound love of literature and a passionate belief in its power to help human beings to understand the world, the past, other people and themselves.
The members of the English department at St Paul’s form a diverse group but we share a profound love of literature and a passionate belief in its power to help human beings to understand the world, the past, other people and themselves.
St Paul’s Girls’ School is an extraordinary school, offering a classical yet forward-thinking education. A shared love of academic discovery is enriched by broad co-curricular provision, the kindest and most individual of pastoral care and a commitment to partnerships and service to others.
2013年9月4日 · Announcement of new High Mistress of St Paul’s Girls’ School for September 2025