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  1. 2021年3月3日 · 例如音樂系需要同學識至少一項樂器,而體育系就需要同學有運動比賽相關嘅經驗。因此,同學需要喺 Student Learning Profile 同個人陳述入面,展現自己嘅相關經驗同特質比大學睇。所以 SLP 學習概覽的確係一個好好嘅方法比同學去展現自己學術成績以外嘅

    • Afterschool
  2. StudentsSelf-Account’ (Optional) (No more than 1000 words in English or 1600 words in Chinese) In this column, students may provide additional information to highlight any aspects of his/her learning life and personal

  3. student's ‘self-accounts’ (e.g. highlighting any impressive learning experiences or career goal setting) SLP is a learning tool to facilitate the development of student reflection on their personal development. It is also a summary which demonstrates students’ personal qualities and serves as evidence of their whole-person development.

  4. 2021年3月31日 · SLP is a learning tool to facilitate the development of student reflection on their personal development. It is also a summary which demonstrates students' personal qualities and serves as evidence of their whole-person development.

  5. 1. 學生學習概覽例子 SLP examples. 網上校管系統 WebSAMS. 2. 於2013年4月公佈高中課程及評估的最新修訂中,有關簡化「學生學習概覽」的建議包括 取消個人自述部份的字數限制 及容讓學生篩選合適的「其他學習經歷」。 學校可因應其校情及根據大學聯招辦法的「比賽 / 活動的經驗及成就」表格 (OEA)和專上課程電子預先報名平台 (E-APP) 網上申請表格的需要設定「學生學習概覽」的內容。 以下提供 2012年或以前 參考自學校真實個案的「學生學習概覽」例子。

  6. Submission of SLP. The submission of SLP is optional. Applicants can upload their SLPs (in PDF format only with a maximum file size of 3MB) to their JUPAS accounts for consideration by the 9 JUPAS participating-institutions and the SSSDP institutions.

  7. As students build their own SLPs, they have the opportunity to summarise and reflect on their learning experiences, and then give a self-account of their learning stories and aspirations. This process is useful for cultivating studentsself-directed learning capabilities and implementing life planning education.

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