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    IPA [ˈsɪnədʒi]

    n 名詞

    • 1. 協同增效作用 synergy between drug combinations 聯合用藥的增效作用
  2. Synergy is an app that shares one mouse and one keyboard across multiple computers and monitors. Instant download, easy to setup in minutes. Features Help Download Account Buy now

  3. business, medical specialized uk / ˈsɪn.ə.dʒi / us / ˈsɪn.ɚ.dʒi /. Add to word list. the combined power of a group of things when they are working together that is greater than the total power achieved by each working separately. 协同作用,增效作用.

  4. The synergy between the two companies is intriguing. You cannot just plonk two clubs together and expect it to work - there has to be a synergy. A perfect match is always about synergy. Magnesium is used in synergy with dozens of other vitamins and minerals

  5. 多主机共享键鼠软件synergy使用教程. 朱鹮. 好奇难抑. 使用synergy可以在多个主机(windows,linux,mac)之间共享一套键鼠,由于synergy在1.8.8版本之前是 开源免费软件,而之后 开始收费了,因此免费版本的安装方法异常难找,这里做简单记录。.

  6. SYNERGY的意思解釋及翻譯1. the combined power of a group of things when they are working together that is greater than the…。 了解更多。 詞典

  7. 配伍 采取两种或两种以上中药组合成方,以增效减毒、提高疗效的中医主要用药形式。. 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供synergy的中文意思,synergy的用法讲解,synergy的读音,synergy的同义词,synergy的反义词,synergy的例句等英语服务。.

  8. If there is synergy between two or more organizations or groups, they are more successful when they work together than when they work separately.

  9. 『欧路词典』为您提供synergy的用法讲解告诉您准确全面的synergy的中文意思,synergy的读音,synergy的同义词,synergy的反义词,synergy的例句。

  10. 2024年5月13日 · Synergy是一款跨平台的键盘鼠标共享软件日前我们提供了Synergy 和Synergy 64位的Win版本、Synergy Mac版,Synergy 能够让使用者仅用一套键盘鼠标,就同时操控多部计算机的免费工具软件。

  11. 協同效應又稱加乘性(英語: synergy )、協助作用(英語: synergism )、協助效應、協同作用或加成作用、加乘作用 [1],指「一加一大於二」的效應。 例如 商業 環境, 市場 或 企業 併購 ,有可能產生互補不足,雙劍合璧的協同效應。

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