雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Discover Taunton School - the calibre of education in the Somerset region - teaching from nursery right through to Senior School age and our prestigious International School offering. Prospectuses Scholarships

  2. Taunton School 是一所位於英格蘭西南部 Somerset 郡的大型「一條龍」寄宿學校建校於 1847 年,全校共有學生超過 1000 人。 無論在學術、體育、音樂、藝術和舞蹈方面,Taunton School 都有不俗表現。

  3. Taunton School International is located in the South West of England, as a part of Taunton School’s 56-acre campus. With the Taunton School offering, you’ll have access to a wide variety of academic pathways and over 200 co-curricular and sporting activities available to students.

  4. In this section, you can take the opportunity to find out more about Taunton School, such as our principles and values, our most recent school inspections and our governing body and services.

  5. Taunton School is public school, now co-educational, in the county town of Taunton in Somerset in South West England. It serves boarding and day-school pupils from the ages of 13 to 18. The current headmaster is Lee Glaser, appointed in the autumn of 2014.

  6. www.britannia-study.com › school › taunton-schoolTaunton School - 英識教育

    Taunton School成立於1847年是英國西南地區Somerset郡的頂尖男女學校,提供日校和寄宿選擇,學生人數逾一千人,為0至18歲學生提供嬰幼兒、中小學及預科的「一條龍」升學。. 校園佔地50英畝,學生年齡從2歲到18歲。. 校訓. Taunton School的教育工作均以學生為依歸 ...

  7. Taunton School 是一間位於英格蘭西南部 Somerset 的大型寄宿學校,距離倫敦約兩小時車程,學生人數超過一千人。 學校有百多年歷史,一直不斷曠建校舍並加設新設施,令校園結合了十八世紀的古老校舍及現代化的建築,成為了校園的特色之一。

  8. Taunton School was founded in 1847 and is one of the top co-educational independent day and boarding schools located in the South West. Children aged 2-18 years live and learn at a campus situated on a stunning 50-acre site.

  9. 國際部:Taunton School International. 一如不少大型寄宿學校,Taunton School 同樣附設國際部,提供一年制會考課程及 IB 預備班(Pre-IB)。. 國際部課程包括一系列專門幫助國際學生提升英語水平的課程,能針對以英文作為第二語言學生的弱點加以協助,非常切合國際 ...

  10. Taunton School, Prep 是大型「一條龍」寄宿學校 Taunton School 的預備學校,位於英格蘭西南部 Somerset 郡,建校於 1847 年,歷史源遠流長,全校共有學生超過 1000 人,而預備學校(幼兒教育至中二課程)則有約 330 人。. Taunton School 在學術、體育、音樂、藝術和舞蹈方面 ...

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