雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 掌握 行業及市場資訊. 掌握最新情報,有助部署業務發展及制定推廣策略,搶佔先機。. 香港貿發局是一個致力推廣香港對外貿易的法定組織,旨在協助香港的中小型企業與世界各地的商業客戶及合作夥伴建立聯繫。. 有關更多資訊,請瀏覽. 網頁,並開啟 ...

  2. HKTDC connects worldwide through six bilateral economic and business committees (Japan, the United States, Korea, Europe, France and Taiwan); and 41 Hong Kong Business Associations in 30 countries and regions with over 13,000 individual associates. Click to view more details on.

  3. home.hktdc.com › tc › myhktdcHKTDC

    HKTDC MyHKTDC是香港貿發局的網站,提供行業及市場資訊。

  4. 香港貿易發展局 (香港貿發局)是於1966年成立的法定機構,負責促進、協助和發展香港貿易。. 香港貿發局在世界各地設有50個辦事處,其中13個設於中國內地,致力推廣本港作為雙向環球投資及商業樞紐。. 香港貿發局通過舉辦國際展覽會、會議及商貿考察團,為 ...

  5. You may browse this list for exhibitions, seminars, workshops and other trade-related events all over the world. As Asia’s business hub, trade-fair capital and convention hub, Hong Kong attracts plenty of international buyers, suppliers and companies to participate in the range of events taking place here.

  6. aboutus.hktdc.com › enAbout HKTDC

    The Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) is a statutory body established in 1966 to promote, assist and develop Hong Kong's trade. With 50 offices globally, including 13 in Mainland China, the HKTDC promotes Hong Kong as a two-way global investment and business hub.

  7. 根據印度寶石和珠寶出口促進委員會 (GJEPC)於2024年4月25日刊登的新聞稿,印度的珠寶首飾業者現在可以取得認可經濟營運商 (AEO)地位。. 香港貿發局在香港國際珠寶展2024和香港國際鑽石、寶石及珍珠展2024舉行期間進行問卷調查,訪問了合共1,435名買家和參展商 ...

  8. T-box 為香港中小企提供三個月支援服務,助您逐步邁向品牌升級、數碼轉型、生產及供應鏈方案、市場開拓及可持續發展的升級轉型目標。. 國際環保博覽作為環保產業的領先展會,為全球業界提供展示最新綠色產品、設備及技術的貿易平台,致力為環保業界 ...

  9. World-class electronics trade show in the brand New "EXHIBITION+" hybrid online and offline format. On top of physical exhibition, the HKTDC Hong Kong Electronics Fair (Spring Edition) also offers Click2Match, the AI-enabled business matching platform to connect buyers and exhibitors around the world.

  10. 無論您想查詢香港貿發局的各項服務,還是想了解更多,您也可以隨時聯絡我們,我們將竭力為您提供協助。.

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