雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2015年7月16日 · ① Thank you for your kind assistance. 感謝您的協助 Thank you for the support to our company. 感謝您對本公司的支持。 ③ Thank you for correcting my errors in the report. 感謝您糾正我報告裡面的錯誤。 而許多人會說成 “Thank for your help”(X)

  2. Thank you for your assistance in this matter” is great to use as a professional phrase in emails. Try “your support has been invaluable” as a more formal synonym when you’d like to sound sincere. “Thanks for lending a hand” works really well as an informal alternative in most cases.

  3. “I appreciate your kind assistance”的意思是”我感謝你的善意幫助”,這是一句禮貌而正式的表達方式。 這句話常用於正式場合,比如商業信函、正式會議或公開演講中。 它傳達了感激的情感,同時也展現了對他人善意幫助的認可。 其他寫法: 除了”i appreciate your kind assistance”之外,還有一些類似的寫法可以表達相同的意思。 下面是幾種常見的寫法: “Thank you for your help. I really appreciate it.”(謝謝你的幫助,我非常感激。 “I am grateful for your assistance.”(我對你的幫助心存感激。

  4. 2018年8月29日 · 如果你向某些人詢問一些資訊,他們花時間回信給你,你就可以說 Thank you for the information 以表達你感謝他們為你所做的。你也可以使用 about 或 regarding 來指具體提供的資訊。比如: Thank you for the information about your current pricing. 4. Thank you

  5. 2022年7月9日 · Saying "thank you for your support" can be a good way to express gratitude and foster positive relationships with those who provide you with professional help. For instance, if a professional mentor gives you a good recommendation for a new job, saying thank you might help reaffirm their personal investment in your success.

  6. Thank you for your kind assistance with my presentation.(感謝您對我報告的友好援助。 2. The organization provided helpful support to the victims of the natural disaster.(該組織對自然災害的受害者提供了有用的支援。

  7. 2020年7月29日 · 首先,來認識一下這些常使用於英文書信中的基本用語: 正式性程度等級 ★ : Thanks for all your help. 舉例來說,這邊可以用在例如感謝同事的協助你完成工作的時候, 而”thanks”較非正式且隨興,所以若是要向上司致謝的話, 用 "Thank you for all your help." 或是 "Thank you for all of your help." 較洽當喔! 正式性程度等級 ★★ : Thank you for replying. 這邊通常使用在感謝對方的回信, 也可以用 "Thank you for getting back to me,",但這句比較不那麼正式。 正式性程度等級 ★★ : Thank you for your note.

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