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  1. 2015年5月26日 · 我們最常見到在商業英文email裡的一個錯誤句子: "Thanks for your kindly reminder." (謝謝你的善意提醒。 )或類似句子: "Thanks for your kindly help." (謝謝別人好意幫忙。 ) 這兩句都有文法的小錯誤,但很多人說,聽起來很順,很多人都這樣寫。 問題是,英文是母語的老外多半不這麼寫的。 為什麼不呢? 首先,kindly可當副詞,真要形容名詞reminder,英文裡有一個常用的搭配,叫做friendly reminder:" Thanks for your friendly reminder." 如果審慎一點,你也許去查字典,發現kindly也可以當形容詞。 要了解kindly,我們先從kind說起。

  2. 2016年2月5日 · 我們最常見到在商業英文email裡的一個錯誤句子: “Thanks for your kindly reminder.” (謝謝你的善意提醒。 )或類似句子: “Thanks for your kindly help.” (謝謝別人好意幫忙。 ) 這兩句都有文法的小錯誤,但很多人說,聽起來很順,很多人都這樣寫。 問題是,英文是母語的老外多半不這麼寫的。 為什麼不呢?...

  3. It is formal to say “thanks for the reminder.” We recommend using it in professional settings because it shows that you appreciate somebody for keeping you updated on something. Generally, it’s a polite way to accept a reminder in an email. For instance, you might use it after someone has reminded you that there’s an important meeting coming up.

  4. Thanks for your kindly reminder.@gagaapple: They are different because of the way you would use the words "kindly" and "friendly". In this situation it would make more sense to say "Thanks for your friendly reminder". Or instead saying "Thanks for kindly

  5. Thank you for the reminderworks when someone has reminded you something is happening. It can be slightly snarky or sarcastic if you’re not careful with it. This article will look at better ways of saying “thanks for the reminder” in formal email contexts.

  6. 我們最常見到在商業英文email裡的一個錯誤句子: "Thanks for your kindly reminder." (謝謝你的善意提醒。)或類似句子: "Thanks for your kindly help." (謝謝別人好意幫忙。) 這兩句都有文法的小錯誤,但很多人說,聽起來很順,很多人都這樣寫。

  7. 提醒同事回覆電郵,較常見會用到“kind reminder”或 “friendly reminder”,例如 “Kindly be reminded to submit your sales report today.”。 如果已經催完又催,「溫馨提示」已發過好幾次,又或者情況嚴峻,希望對方真的盡快回覆電郵,又可以怎樣寫呢?

  8. 有沒有覺得有些話常常講,卻不知道怎麼用英文簡單表達?想說「謝謝你的提醒」,不過腦中只有 Thank youThanks 嗎?一起來看看這個辦公室的日常對話吧! A: Don’t forget to email the boss the draft for the project proposal and copy Sandy and David.

  9. 內容應簡短說明甚麼事(What)及何時(When),記得Reminder emails必須連同原本的電子郵件一併寄出(使用回覆功能),不用更改原先電郵的主旨。 E-mail範例 「提醒英文」 短句

  10. 2024年2月17日 · List of Formal Ways to Say “Thanks for the Reminder” in an Email. I appreciate your timely reminder. Your reminder was invaluable; thank you. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I’m grateful for your thoughtful reminder. Your reminder was both helpful and timely. Thanks for the prompt reminder.