雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2016年4月23日 · The pancakes here have a moist and fluffy texture thanks to the buttermilk and homemade cheese mixed into the dough. This café is very particular about the freshness of its pancakes, all of which are carefully cooked after you place your order.

  2. 2019年4月26日 · If you’re on the hunt for failsafe breakfast that’s both consistently good quality and completely child-friendly, this is it. The menu features eggs every way imaginable; with pancakes, sunny side up, omelets and more. But the specialty is the eggs benedict.

  3. 2017年3月3日 · The delicious-looking treat comes comes in two sizes: the 20-centimeter-tall (7.9-inch-tall) Mini Panbo, which comes with three round mini pancakes, and the 40-centimeter-tall (15.7-inch-tall) Panbo, which contains five pancakes.

  4. 京都有太多具有特色的咖啡店,這一篇要介紹的則是以鬆餅為特色的咖啡店,相信不管是古早味還是華麗創新口味,都有一定的支持者;不論是隱藏在巷弄中或是鄰近知名景點,也一定有文青會去踩點。網羅足以代表京都市區的10間京都鬆餅咖啡店,一起來感受鬆餅用那樸質素材,華麗轉身成風靡 ...

  5. 2018年6月18日 · Okonomiyaki is a Japanese-style crepe or pancake. Okonomi means “whatever you like” or “whatever you want,” while yaki means grilled. As you can easily imagine, the great thing about this tasty dish is that you can complement it with all your favorite ingredients.

  6. 軟綿鬆餅美味的訣竅在於店家使用新鮮自製的瑞可塔乳酪,才能擁有焦脆外皮和細滑濃郁的內層。 推薦必點: 瑞可塔乳酪鬆餅(リコッタチーズパンケーキ 1,200日幣)、時令水果瑞可塔乳酪鬆餅(季節のフルーツたっぷりリコッタパンケーキ 1,400日幣) Hona Cafe. 店鋪地址:福岡縣福岡市中央區今泉1-13-11. 交通方式:西鐵福岡天神南站步行約3分鐘. 營業時間:11:30~23:00. 「白金茶房」遠離喧囂的所在,一輪圓月鬆餅. 從西鐵藥院站步行不到10分鐘,就能抵達充滿綠意的白金茶房。 沿著小徑走進像是獨棟住宅的餐廳,店內整面木造落地窗外盡是蓊鬱蒼翠,充滿都市少有的靜謐悠哉。 店裡舉凡咖啡豆、水、小麥粉、蔬菜等都是產地嚴選,除了晚餐之外,其他時段的套餐主角都是猶如一輪明月的鬆餅。

  7. 2015年12月10日 · The specialty thick pancakes are renowned for their fluffiness and delicious flavor, drawing repeat customers in droves.

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