雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年7月15日 · 位於港島太平山維多利亞峽,位於海拔396米高的山頂凌霄閣,以山頂纜車連接山頂與中環區。 山頂纜車花園道總站與港鐵中環站不過咫尺之距,交通方便快捷。 山頂是香港首屈一指的旅遊名勝,其獨特設計盡展摩登建築的精萃,更是香港最時尚設計的建築物之一。 其外貌廣被全球數以百萬計的明信片及照片取用,快來享受香港的醉人景緻及盡情玩樂吧! 山頂凌霄閣薈萃全球精選佳餚美食、特式商店及互動娛樂設施,讓不同年齡及品味的人士在醉人景緻中盡情玩樂。 除此,旅客更可於香港最高觀景台 – 座落於海拔428米高的 凌霄閣摩天台428 居高臨下鳥瞰山下風光 – 由近觀充滿無限活力的都會景緻到遠晀新界清新宜人的翠綠山巒。 免費無線上網服務已於山頂凌霄閣設立了。

  2. 2024年7月15日 · The Peak Tower, Hong Kong's No. 1 destination, also one of the most stylish architectural icons in Hong Kong. With an avant-garde design representing the epitome of modern architecture, the spectacular tower has been featured in millions of photographs and postcards across the world.

  3. 凌霄閣(英語: The Peak Tower )是香港一座特色建築,位於香港島 扯旗山與歌賦山之間的爐峰峽上,亦是山頂纜車的終點站,地址為山頂道128號。 它座落於海拔396米高之處而非山頂最高處,設計突出卻不破壞 山脊線 。

  4. Perching on The Peak at 396 metres above sea level, The Peak Tower is one of the most stylish architectural icons in Hong Kong. Inside The Peak Tower, there is a dazzling array of restaurants, shops and entertainment venues set against the beautiful backdrop of the city.

  5. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Peak_TowerPeak Tower - Wikipedia

    The Peak Tower is a leisure and shopping complex located at Victoria Gap, near the summit of Victoria Peak on Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong. It also houses the upper terminal of the Peak Tram. Both the Peak Tower and the Peak Tram are owned by the

  6. The Peak Tower’s distinctive wok-shaped design is hard to miss. The building, which sits above the Peak Tram Upper Terminus, is home to a variety of restaurants, speciality shops, interactive entertainment venues and — most famously — the Sky Terrace 428

  7. 凌霄閣(英語: The Peak Tower )是香港一座特色建築,位於香港島 扯旗山與歌賦山之間的爐峰峽上,亦是山頂纜車的終點站,地址為山頂道128號。 它座落於海拔396公尺高之處而非山頂最高處,設計突出卻不破壞 山脊線 。

  8. 282 皇后大道西. 西營盤, 香港島. 香港島中區山頂山頂道128號【業主和地產代理可免費放兩個盤】,凌霄閣 (The Peak Tower)是一座7層高的零售/商舖,入伙年份:1997.

  9. Check out the best places to visit on the Peak for a fun-filled experience — riding the brand new 6th generation Peak Tram, taking in the mesmerising view of the Victoria Harbour from the Peak Galleria, enjoying international delicacies at the Peak Tower and

  10. The Peak Tower is one of the most stylish architectural icons in Hong Kong. Sky Terrace 428 stands 428m above one of the world's most stunning cityscapes. Even the dining here comes with jaw-dropping views of Victoria Harbour from an array of restaurants serving a wide range of cuisines.

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