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    n. 名詞

    • 1. 時間表;時間軸;大事紀 What is the timeline of this project? 這個計劃的時間表是怎樣的呢?

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  2. A Linha do tempo do Google Maps é um mapa pessoal que ajuda você a se lembrar de trajetos e viagens que fez e os lugares em que esteve com base no seu Histórico de localização. Você pode editar sua linha do tempo a qualquer momento e excluir o Histórico de localização nela. Se configurações como a Atividade na Web e de apps estiverem ...

  3. Timeline measures distances in miles or kilometers is based on your country or region. On your computer, open Google Maps. Sign in with the same Google Account that you use on your mobile device. At the top left, click Menu . Click Timeline . To find another date, at the top, choose a day, month, and year.

  4. 知乎 - 有问题,就会有答案

  5. Öffnen Sie auf Ihrem Android-Smartphone oder ‑Tablet die Google Maps App . Tippen Sie auf das Ihr Profilbild oder Anfangsbuchstabe "Meine Zeitachse" . Wenn Sie Informationen zu einem anderen Tag oder Monat ansehen möchten, tippen Sie auf Heute. Wischen Sie im Kalender nach links oder rechts und tippen Sie auf einen Tag.

  6. Find your travels. On your iPhone or iPad, open the Google Maps app . Tap your profile picture or initial Your Timeline . To find another day or month, tap Show calendar swipe left or right and tap a day. Tip: You can switch between the tabs at the top of the screen, such as Places, Cities, or World, and find insights about places you visited.

  7. Create a timeline view in your spreadsheet. On your computer, at the top of your Sheets menu, click Insert timeline. Select your data range. Click Ok. Tip: You can also select from the suggested data range. Note: Now, you can view the timeline view experience on your Android or iOS mobile device.

  8. 2018年10月30日 · Animator Controller是用来整合.anim数据的资产,Timeline一定程度上也是。. Timeline的Animation Track做到事情,就是将多个动画片段按时间顺序连接起来(你可以把Timeline理解成一个非线性动画编辑器),这样我们就不需要手动控制这些动画片段的播放时间,只需要在需要 ...

  9. 所以,你应该问,为什么 timeline 不翻译成“时间线”,而翻译成“ 时间轴 ”. 轴这么专业的术语,大部分人不知道是什么东西吧。. 在汉语里面,应该很多人会想象成车轱辘 类似物,毕竟不是所有人都接受多年的 高等教育 的。. line是一维的,时间也是一维的 ...

  10. The timeline find my hone are pretty on point, unless someone has messed with the stops at ssome point, if you want to see how accurate they are go on your computer pput your phone someehere or jsve a friend drive it around to specific stops and than check

  11. 2018年5月4日 · Senior Member. Hard and soft are often used figuratively to mean strict and relaxed respectively. I suspect that "hard timeline" is a phrase that will become more common. It seems very useful to me as "Should there be a hard timeline to strip a champion like Conor McGregor of their title?" is a polite and unemotional way of saying, "What the ...

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