雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. And we want to stand out as a winner in our industry: for our expertise, advice and execution, our contribution to society, our work environment, and our business success. UBS is a global firm providing financial services in over 50 countries. Visit our site to find out what we offer in Hong Kong.

  2. 2 天前 · UBS 香港特別行政區. 全球財富的未來走向會怎樣? 十五年來,《全球財富報告》一直在為不斷變化的家庭財富格局提供領先見解。 立即閱讀最新版本,詳細瞭解最新財富趨勢。 獲取2024年報告(英文) 重要警示. 騙徒或會視瑞信與瑞銀的合併為機會,試圖聯繫我們的客戶,聲稱來自本行或出售虛假投資計劃,從而獲取客戶資料或誘騙客戶向欺詐賬戶匯款。 如有未知方與您聯繫,請保持警惕。 瑞銀及瑞信有關業務不會通過電郵、短信或電話向您提供新的銀行帳戶資料,或要求您登錄或透露登入方式/帳戶資訊。 我們不會發送包含電子銀行等登錄頁面連結的電郵,亦不會要求您提供電子銀行密碼。 在轉帳或分享個人資料前,請僅聯繫您的瑞銀或瑞信顧問,或客戶服務團隊。 若果您是首次遇上此問題,請致電【+852 2971 8888】聯繫瑞銀.

  3. The Materials are produced by UBS Securities Asia Limited, which is regulated by the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong. The financial products described in this website ( "Structured Products") are only directed at and intended for residents of Hong Kong.

  4. At UBS Wealth Management, we can help you to create the life you want, whatever your goals are when planning or investing your wealth. UBS specialize in wealth management services to wealthy families, entrepreneurs, high net worth individuals and financial intermediaries.

  5. ebanking-asia.ubs.com

  6. UBS - login is the portal for accessing your e-banking account in Asia. You can manage your finances, investments and transactions with ease and security. Whether you are in Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan or Japan, you can enjoy the benefits of UBS digital banking.

  7. 299234BR. City. Hong Kong, Hong Kong. Your role. Interested in working in finance, specifically in banking, but not sure where to start? Do you want to work for a firm with a truly global...

  8. 1 天前 · 凱基證券今 (22) 日舉辦理財規劃系統合作記者會,宣布與瑞銀集團 (UBS Group AG) 旗下子公司 UBS Partner 建立戰略合作夥伴關係!兩大企業的跨國、跨領域重磅級合作,推出先進且具雲端技術之自動化投資組合管理工具「理財規劃系統」,全面升級凱基證券理財規劃及資產配置服務,投

  9. Amy Lo is JP, Chairman of Global Wealth Management Asia, Co-Head of Wealth Management Asia Pacific, Head and Chief Executive of UBS Hong Kong, and a Managing Director at UBS. Amy has over...

  10. Thanks to the rapid growth of wealth in Asia, there are increasing opportunities in the wealth management industry in Hong Kong. According to the Billionaires Report jointly published by UBS and PwC, led by China, Asia created a new billionaire every three days in 2015.

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